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"Just remember, there's a right way and a wrong way to do everything and the wrong way is to keep trying to make everybody else do it the right way." Col. Potter

or as E.B. Tucker says: "It took me a while to learn what was going on here. I would try to help people see how their thinking made no sense.
When I realized they didn't want to see, regardless of what they say, everything started to make sense."

or as Robb Wolf says: "Trying to convince people to save their own ass will burn you out."

This page contains all the information you need to research the proper human diet, but, only one in 10,000 people will utilize it. (most people don't know what they don't know)

Hello. This is how I have transitioned and live on a daily basis. Diet and some exercise. By 2010 I had become obese and developed Metabolic Syndrome and HAD to do something. (Metabolic dysfunction runs in my family. My grandmother, mother and a sister all died early deaths from primarily a diet based on high carbohydrate/low fat eating) If you are overweight, you have impaired blood sugar (insulin resistance) to some degree and are on your way to diabetes and worse. (Weight: 227lbs Oct 2010. June 2012 183 lbs. Dec 2013 175, Currently 167.) After much and I MEAN much reading I have concluded that my diet is going to be based on paleo nutrition aka the caveman diet. This essentially is a high fat, low carb diet with a moderate amount of protein. In this diet all wheat is eliminated, legumes and other grains are infrequently consumed. Sweet potato is ok. (I still have some rice and a potato occasionally). I do use Probiotic yogurt and real butter for cooking and aged hard cheese (Gouda) for K2. Even among the paleo authors there is some debate as to whether dairy should be included or omitted. For me to keep my weight stable and blood sugars "normal", I have to limit my carbs to 10 to 30 grams per day. 60 years of eating the Standard American Diet has severely impacted my metabolism. I will never be able to eat over 40-60 grams of carb ever again. That's just me. (Most people consume 150-300+ grams of carb per day, hence, look around at all the overweight people) I am adapted to burning fat (not sugar as 98% of the population is) and can go long periods of time without hunger. Most people do not need to be this strict in diet, Chris Kresser has written on this twice: here and here as well as Robb Wolf here and here. Taking Mark Sisson and Robb Wolf's approach, my diet is summed up (How to Implent) by Dr. Sten Ekberg and What to Eat What he Eats

The thinking for this diet, supported by anthropology and archaeology, is that humans have evolved for nearly 2,500,000 years eating a combination of meat, greens, fruits, tubers, seeds and nuts. The last vegetarian ancestor that ate an exclusive diet of only fruits and vegetables ceased to exist. Humans are and have always been omnivores, not vegetarians or vegans. Cooking meat and tubers is verified for the last 250,000 years and is suspected to go back much further in time to homo erectus. We are the cooking ape. Grains have only been part of mans diet in the last 1000 to 12,000 years with the advent of agriculture, depending on where YOUR ancestors came from. That's the rub. We have not evolved to eat grains They have been shown to contain harmful substances with regard to digestion and health. Wheat is the worst of all....It's modified crap

I started here: Mark Sisson. Mark has written an incredible book, The Primal Blueprint which is his take on the Paleo diet. He also has a web site with a huge amount of info. Here is a link Blueprint 101 that is useful. I believe this way of living has saved me from an early death. In my experience, when chatting up people on health and lifestyle most people just want a prescription from their doctor. Or they really don't want to do any investigative nutrition education. They just like to eat what they eat and get their info on health from TV, government and the medical/big pharma institutions (All of them corrupt). Very few people read extensively anymore or critically think. My experience when talking to people about this subject is they have no clue what I am saying as their eyes slowly cloud over and they drift away. It's frustrating and sad. (see the very top of this page) IMO, people only change when the are in a crisis or facing one. Even then, only a small percenatge of people make the necessary alteration to their daily routines. And that's why nearly 80% of Americans are overweight/obese. 38.6% of the population are pre diabetic and 11% of the population are diabetic. This is the REAL pandemic, not COVID.

Years ago I was hospitalized for a surgery and was talking to an older/experienced RN and we were discussing diets. I brought up Paleo/Keto and suggested how it remedies many afflictions. I posed the question to her why the medical profession doesn't investigate the possibility of Paleo/Keto. She leaned over, smiled and said: "Honey, there is no profit in cure."

I use a combination of Sissons Fitness Lifestyle and Sprint Exercise system on a bike. Primal Blueprint Fitness

Key takeaway and principle to this diet: eliminate ALL seed oils (poison), eliminate wheat(toxic), eliminate or reduce sugar(toxic)

from the blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.
"On a low-carb diet your body burns fat for energy. But it doesn't care where this fat comes from; it can come from the diet or it can come from the fat cells or it can come from both. If you are consuming enough fat to meet all your body's requirements, your body won't go after the fat in the fat cells no matter how severely you restrict your carbs. You will burn dietary fat only and no body fat. And you won't lose weight. It's that simple.
It has been shown countless times that when people go on low-carb diets they spontaneously reduce their caloric intake. Most foods available on low-carbohydrate diets are satiating and those following these diets get full quickly. They just don't eat that many calories. In most studies of low-carb diets people drop their caloric intake down to the 1500-1700 kcal range and are quite satisfied. At that level of caloric intake, they need a fair amount of their own body fat to make up the difference between their dietary intake and the 2400-2600 kcal (or more) that they burn every day. As they consume this body fat, they lose weight."

"I am not a doctor, dietitian nor nutritionist...in fact I have no medical training of any kind. If I can figure this out so should they...if it wasn't for their a) intellectual laziness, b) willful ignorance, c) greed, or d) all of the above."
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