A young couple had been invited to a masked Halloween party, but the wife developed a migraine. She told her husband go without her and enjoy himself. Her devoted husband protested but she insisted, promising to take some aspirin and lie down. Finally, he donned his costume and went. The wife slept soundly for about an hour and awoke feeling perfectly fine. It was still early so she decided to join the party. Because hubby didn't know what her costume was, she thought she'd find out how he acted when she wasn't around. She joined the party and soon spotted him cavorting on the dance floor, flirting shamelessly with every woman in sight. She sidled up to him and soon captured his attention. After a little discreet groping, she whispered a proposition in his ear and they went out to her car for an intimate encounter. She slipped out and went home before everyone unmasked at midnight, put her costume away and got into bed, wondering what he would have to say for himself. She was sitting up in bed reading when he arrived, and she asked him about the party. "Same old thing," he said. "You know I never have much fun when you're not there." Then she asked, "Did you dance much?" "Not a single dance," he said. "As soon as I got to the party I met Pete and some other guys, so we went into the den and played poker all evening. But I should also tell you... that guy who borrowed my costume claims to have had one helluva time!" From: Mike