"The Gift of Tongues"

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Spring class begins:
17 March - 5 May 1999
Wednesdays 7:00-9:30 p.m.
All Levels Welcome
Limited Enrollment

At The Sitting Room 170 E. Cotati Avenue Cotati, California
For Registration Information Call (707) 433-4779
Eight Meetings, $100
The Gift of Tongues - We focus this session on poems from Sam Hamill's The Gift of Tongues. Part of our job as readers of poetry is to define and refine our poetic sensibilities. Why do we like certain poems above others? What poems move us while others leave us cold? Once we determine our likes and dislikes, we are better prepared to write. Participants in this session have the freedom to choose their own subjects and forms for writing. Depending on the time and class interest, we might conclude the class with a group reading. As always, the primary emphasis in this class is on helping you to discover which forms and subjects are best suited to your style. Writing assignments and close individual attention. Participants also have the opportunity to contribute to and edit The Sonoma Statement, an electronic classroom and journal of contemporary writing on the World Wide Web.

Fall class begins September 1999

Scott Reid, MA, presents poetry workshops in Marin County, Sonoma County, and in the East Bay Area, and has appeared in Blue Unicorn, The Berkeley Poetry Review, Tomcat and Switched-On Gutenberg. He has received writing fellowships from the Squaw Valley Writers' Conference, the Napa Valley Writers' Conference, and the Bread Loaf Writers' Conference. He hosts several on-line writers' workshops.

The Sonoma Statement