The Press Democrat - Monday, July 9th, 2001, "Let the Public Speak"
Neighbors' dispute


    The Lytton Pomos state they "want to be good neighbors" and their  lawyer claims " they are good stewards of the land". How can such statements be made when they propose a development of 50+ homes, buildings and a sewage plant on land that is severely limited by its natural conditions?  As a licensed geologist and neighbor, I know this project cannot be completed without severe damage to the environment and the neighboring properties.
    As far as being "good neighbors", why do you suppose they have planned this development for over 3 years and not mentioned it to the neighbors?  The tribe's lawyer states this tribe has "bent over backwards to accommodate public concerns".  Why then, did the neighbors have to make first contact and why does the tribe and their lawyer refuse to present us with the environmental study that was completed 3 years ago?

Tribal leader Margie Mejia claims "we're just asking for our 50 acres back, I don't think that's unreasonable".  Well, the surrounding property owners want to keep the quality of life and environment on their properties, which they've work hard to obtain, and I don't think THAT'S unreasonable!

Bill McCormick
Windsorwest Association Member