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1. Create a "class goals" Web page which displays the questions and your answers. Give the page an appropriate title. Include your name.

2. Create a link on your homework page so your classmates and instructor can access it.

Set your Class and Career Goals by answering these 8 Goals Questions:

  1. What do you want to do professionally? Think general job categories like custodian, computer programmer, website developer, or human resource professional, not specific occupation titles like Associate Maintenance Engineer, Senior Software Developer, or Director of Personnel.

  2. What skills and interests do you have, that you can market or promote, to land you a job, either as an employee, or as an independent contractor.

  3. Who do you want to work for, and why? Which specific company interests you, if you know, or which industry, what type of employer--academic, government, nonprofit, Fortune 500, small business, sole proprietors, software development, high tech, self-employment, etc.? Give reasons that support your choice of company, industry, or type of employment.

  4. Where do you want to live and work, and why? Identify one or more geographic locations where it would be ideal for you to live and work, or work and commute. Start generally with regions and states (or countries) and then work down to cities or towns, and give your reasons and rationales for your preference(s), pros and cons, etc.

  5. Who is your target audience fo your electronic portfolio?The Portfolio site you create will provide self-promotion, and will showcase your skills and experience in a particular area (like programming, graphic arts, web site design, etc.). Who do you intend to attract and interest...potential companies who would hire you as an employee, potential clients with whom you will contract your services, some combination of the two, some other audience?

  6. What types of resources will you use for your portfolio? Graphics, text, resume, class projects, existing work samples, mock sites or demonstration examples of skills, etc...

  7. What resources will you use in your job search? Mailing lists, job boards, letters of inquiry, informational interviews, networking, resume banks, etc.

  8. Which online Self Assessment Quiz did you complete, and what did you learn from it?

Later, when you create your Portfolio, you'll condense the information from your answers to the Career Goals questions into a paragraph to go on a Marketing Plan page for your Portfolio. Think about, and answer each question -- fully, thoughtfully and completely. You should write a paragraph-length answer for each of the questions.

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