SRJC Staff Resource Center, CA  

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1. Create a homework webpage that will link to most class assignments.

Your homework page will include the following:

1. an appropriate title for your web page
2. your full name
3. the class name
4. label the links with the Lesson name, the assignment title and a description of the assignment.

As the class progresses you will add links to this page for each new assignment.

2. Create a folder on your student server account (directly in your public_html folder, not in a subfolder) named "efolio". Name your homework webpage "index.html" and upload it into this new folder. Send me an email with the URL of your homework page inserted into the body of the email. Your URL will be . Use "CIS58.57.1" as the subject of your email.

When an assignment is due I will access your homework page and follow the link you created to the specific assignment.

For example, as you complete the assignments for lesson 1 your homework page will include links to the "class goals" and the "article review" assignment. View this example of a homework page

Please note, the homework page will NOT include a link to the "self assessment quiz" or the "obtain a student account" activity. These assignments do not require you to create Web pages so there is no need to link them to your homework page.

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