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Soup Pasta


soup pasta = pasta in brodo = pastine = little pasta    Notes:   As a rule, the thinner the soup, the smaller the pasta.  For broths and light soups, select from a large assortment of tiny shapes.  Larger shapes, like tubetti or ditali, are perfect for minestrone or other hearty soups.  Substitutes:  angel-hair pasta ( broken into small pieces) OR fedelini ( broken into small pieces) OR vermicelli ( broken into small pieces) 


acini di pepe = peperini   Pronunciation:  ah-CHEE-nee dee PAY-pay  Notes:    Acini di pepe ("peppercorns") are a type of Italian soup pasta.  They're very tiny, and usually served in broths.  Substitutes:  semi di melone OR orzo OR other soup pasta


alphabets = alfabeto  Notes:  These tiny pasta shapes are usually served in a broth or very light soup.  Substitutes:  other soup pasta

amorini  Notes:  These tiny pasta shapes are usually served in a broth or very light soup.  Substitutes:  other soup pasta

anelli = anelletti   Pronunciation:  ah-NELL-lee Notes:   This variety of Italian pasta consists of small rings.  It's used in soups and pasta salads.  A tiny version is called anellini.  Substitutes:  tubetti OR ditali OR ditalini OR other soup pasta


anellini   Pronunciation:  ah-nell-LEE-nee  Notes:   These are shaped like rings, and used as a soup pasta.  Substitutes:  other soup pasta

astri  Notes:  These tiny pasta shapes are usually served in a broth or very light soup.  Substitutes:  other soup pasta

avena  Notes:  These tiny pasta shapes are usually served in a broth or very light soup.  Substitutes:  other soup pasta

conchigliette = baby shells  Notes:  This is a tiny version of a classic Italian pasta shape:  the conchiglie or conch shell.  Conchigliette is most often used as a soup pasta.  Substitutes:  ditalini OR tubettini OR tripolini OR stelle  OR other soup pasta

coralli   Pronunciation:   co-RAHL-lee  Notes:  These tiny tubes of pasta are normally used in soups.  Substitutes:  orzo OR acini di pepe OR tubettini OR conchiglette  OR other soup pasta

ditali   Pronunciation:  dee-TALL-lee  Notes:   These are small tubes of pasta, well suited for vegetable soups.   It's also one of the shapes used to make Spaghetti-Os.    Substitutes:  tubetti OR elbow macaroni OR ziti (broken into small pieces if in rods) OR other soup pasta

ditalini   Pronunciation:  dee-tah-LEE-nee  Notes:   This is a small version of ditali, a tubular pasta shape.   Tiny ditalini are usually served in a broth or vegetable soup, and is one of the shapes used to make Spaghetti-Os.  Substitutes:  tubetti OR  paternostri OR other soup pasta


fideos   Pronunciation:   fih-DAY-ohs  Notes:  Mexican and Spanish cooks use these short, curved strands of pasta in soups.   Substitutes:   vermicelli (broken into small pieces)  OR angel hair pasta (broken into small pieces) OR fedelini (broken into small pieces) OR other soup pasta

farfalline  Notes:  This Italian pasta is a small version of farfalle, or bow-tie pasta.  Farfalline is usually served in a broth or very light soup. Substitutes:  other soup pasta

fischietti   Pronunciation:   fee-SKYET-tee   Notes:    These are tiny pasta tubes that are usually served in a broth or very light soup. Substitutes:  other soup pasta

funghini   Pronunciation:  fun-GHEE-nee  Notes:  These tiny pasta shapes look like mushrooms and are usually served in a broth or very light soup.  A larger version called funghetti works well in thicker soups.  Substitutes:  other soup pasta

grattoni   Pronunciation:  gra-TOE-nee   Notes:   This egg pasta consists of tiny diamond shapes.  It's used in broths and light soups.  Substitutes:  other soup pasta

orzo = rosa marina = rosamarina   Pronunciation:  OR-zoh  Notes:  This pasta is shaped like grains of barley.  It's often used as a bed for sauces or in soups.    Substitutes:   risi OR rice OR other soup pasta

pulcini  Notes:  These tiny pasta shapes are usually served in a broth or very light soup.  Substitutes:  other soup pasta

quadrettini = quadrucci  Pronunciation:  kwah-dray-TEE-nee  Notes:   These small, flat pasta rectangles are normally served in broths.  Substitutes:  other soup pasta

risi = risoni = pasta a riso    Pronunciation:  REE-zee   Notes:  This is a rice-shaped Italian soup pasta.  The singular form is risoSubsitutes:  orzo (slightly larger) OR rice OR other soup pasta

seme di melone   Pronunciation:  say-me day may-LOW-nay  Notes:  These "melon seeds" are a type of Italian pasta commonly served in broths.  Substitutes:  other soup pasta

seme di peperone  Notes:  These tiny pasta shapes are usually served in a broth or very light soup. Substitutes:  other soup pasta

stelle = stellette   Pronunciation:  STAY-lay   Notes:   These small star shapes are a type of Italian soup pasta.  A smaller version is called stellini.    Substitutes:  ditalini OR tubettini OR tripolini OR stelle OR other soup pasta 

stivaletti  Notes:  These tiny pasta shapes are usually served in a broth or very light soup.  Substitutes:  other soup pasta

stortini  Notes:  This is a small form of elbow macaroni.  Substitutes:  tubetti OR ditali OR other soup pasta

tripolini = little bows  Pronunciation:  tri-pah-LEE-nee  Notes:   Some pasta producers use the name tripolini to describe tiny bows which commemorate the Italian conquest of Tripoli.  Some use it to describe long ribbons that are similar to fettuccine, but ruffled along one edge.  Substitutes:  stelle OR ditalini OR farfalline OR other soup pasta 

tubetti  Pronunciation:  too-BAY-tee  Notes:  These small pasta tubes work well in minestrone and other Italian soups.   It's also one of the shapes used to make Spaghetti-Os.    Substitutes:   ditali OR cannaroni OR pennette OR other soup pasta 

tubettini   Notes:   This is a tiny version of tubetti ("little tubes"), a short, tubular Italian pasta shape.  It's usually served in broths and light soups.   It's also one of the shapes used to make Spaghetti-Os.   Substitutes:  orzo OR risi OR other soup pasta 

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