There are some matters
Demanding my attention
Things that I don't quite know
Which way they should go

People try to tell me to follow my heart
Whenever I try I get the same answer:
Thump. Thump. Thump.
My heart isn't much for good advice.

People try to tell me to follow my instincts
My instincts . . . I don't agree . . .
I don't think my ape ancestors
Could have much more luck with this than me

I know what it is I should try to do
I'll take a look at things from a different point of view
. . .
Well that didn't work. Now I'm just dizzy.

I can't escape this, it's in my head
Each time I think of it, the problem gets fed
It follows me around, gnawing on my brain
I try to avoid it, I can't abstain
From all the noise, it bogs me down
I walk around with a permanent frown
I have to think of something, find a way out
The conflicts conflicting, turning into a shout


I can't run away from this problem
No matter how hard I try
Whenever I turn around
It's there to pester me
Do I say yes, do I say no?
Why is it that I just don't know?
They're waiting for an answer
That I feel like I owe
It shouldn't be that hard
One word or another
Get rid of this dilemma
Keep from being smothered


I know what I'll do.
I'll build a machine
Make it in the garage
It will imbue me with
Natural camouflage!
I'll be able to hide
Right in plain sight
And avoid all discussions
Of who's wrong and who's right.
I won't have to worry
About arguments or complaints
No need to be strong
Or practice restraint

Yes, that's it!
I'll delude myself
Place my mind on a metaphorical shelf
Forget it, I know what I have to do
Just go back and apologize to you.

