Death Is Like Chocolate

Mara Lynn Barbee


    Death is like chocolate. It just is. That sounds right. Death is like chocolate. If you want true meaning, you'll have to think further. Death is like chocolate in that people think of them differently. Some people loathe chocolate, just as some people are obsessed with death. Accurate generalizations cannot be made. Death is like chocolate. Chocolate is delicious, and easy to appreciate. I have never died, so I cannot say if the same is true for death. It's possible. Who knows what death tastes like? Some people might say dust, or bitterness, or poison, or nothing at all. Others may say death tastes like the manna of the gods, the sweet nectar of life (ironically, yes) or like a more pleasant nothing. I can't say for sure, having no memory of any previous lives or previous deaths. I do not know what death tastes like, but I do know that death is like chocolate. It just is. Chocolate is not like death; no, it doesn't work that way at all. Chocolate is not like death, nor is it like birth. Definitely not. It is like life, lived to the fullest. But death is like chocolate.

