Singing In My Sleep

Mara Lynn Barbee


    Singing in my sleep. I don't, you know. Not that I'm aware of. I don't think I even talk in my sleep; I tend to wake myself up with the first syllable. Singing in my sleep. It's always struck me as cool. Exotic. Really expressing your dreams. Singing in my sleep. It would be neat to hear; I wonder what it sounds like. Dreamsongs. Just that sounds magical. I've heard people talk in their sleep, even sit up and say something, but never sing. 'S a pity. I think I'd enjoy hearing it. Singing in my sleep. I wonder what I'd sing about. Probably something or nothing to do with whatever I'd be dreaming at the time. That could make for a pretty interesting song, knowing my dreams. Spiffy fantasy adventures lately. Could be some neat songs indeed. Don't think I'd be very good at inventing melodies while asleep, though. I'm not terribly good at it while awake. Maybe I'd use some other song's melody. Singing in my sleep. Speaking my dreams. Pipeline to the dreamtime. More accurate than simple words; songs convey atmosphere and feeling too. That'd be cool. Singing in my sleep. I wanna hear it sometime.

