Chaos Dwarves

theese are Jervis Johnson's Hobbo rules

Hobgoblin Blood Bowl players are noted for their stupidity, although it has to be said that this isn't a trait of the Hobgoblin race as a whole. (In fact most other races in the Warhammer consider Hobgoblins to be sneaky gits who will stab you in the back as soon as look at you, and will only fight if the odds are heavily stacked in their favour. This is actually rather an accurate character assessment, and as a result only the _really_ stupid ones get conned into playing Blood Bowl!) To reflect this the coach of a team that includes any Hobgoblins most roll a D6 for each Hobgoblin player at the start of the match. On a roll of 2-6 the player can be used normally, but on a roll of 1 the player has either arrived late because he's forgotten about the match, or is having trouble tying up his boot-laces, or is doing something equally stupid, with the result that he may not be used during the first drive of the match."

Qty Title Cost MA ST AG AV Skills
0-2 Sneaky Gits 70k 6 3 3 7 Shadowing, Sneaky
note: sneaky gits do not have to roll for dumbness    


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