Dirty Tricks

1. Banana Skin (player entering your tackle zone automatically falls over)

2. Greased Shoes (play at kick-off. One selected opposing player rolls a d6 every time he moves a square, and falls on a 1)

3. Kidnap Rival Coach (opponent loses head coach until the end of the match, then must give you all his winnings)

4. Bribe the Ref (negate an illegal procedure call against you)

5. Stink Bomb (player may throw stink bomb. All players in or adjacent where it lands after scatter fall over face-up)

6. Stilleto (instead of a block, knock down target automatically and make injury roll)

7. Referee!! (opponent is immediately penalized for illegal procedure)

8. Take a Dive (opposing player 'going for it' automatically falls down, no AV or injury roll)

9. Double-Cross (negate any dirty trick or magic item, and instead add it to your list)

10. Injury Time (gain a free extra turn at the end of either half)

11. Spy (negate the use of a reroll. the reroll is still counted as used)

12. Spy

13. Spy

14. Robbed (you steal all your opponent's winnings)

15. Extra Training (one extra team reroll or buy a new reroll at normal price at the beggining of the game)

16. Extra Training

17. Bribe the Ref (negate a penalty against your team)

18. Bribe the Ref (negate a penalty against your team)

19. Knuckle-Dusters (opponent automatically fails an armour roll after being knocked down by a block)

20. Custard Pie (throw at opponent, if hit opponent is knocked over but not hurt)

21. Illegal Drugs (gain an extra free turn after your current one)

22. Bad Press (opposing team loses 1 FF permanently)

23. Bribe the Ref (the ref automatically penalizes opponent for a foul)

24. Bribe the Ref (the ref automatically penalizes opponent for a foul)

25. Hide the Ball (the player holding the ball cannot be blocked or tackled until the end of the turn)

26. Sorry! (one player at the sidelines falls on a selected member of the opponent's coaching staff; roll d6; 1-2:badly hurt 3-4:seriously injured<miss an extra game> 5-6:dead)

27. Trampoline Trap (play when opponent enters a square on your half of pitch; opponent is scattered d6 squares and makes AV roll, if he lands on another player, player is pushed back and knocked over also)

28. Mine (play when opponent enters a square on your half of pitch; opponent is knocked over by a mine, adjacent players are knocked over on 4+)

29. Whoops! (play after opponent kicks off the ball. one of his players in your tackle zone falls over)

30. Sorry Sir! (if you push one of your opponent's players off the pitch, he lands on a selected member of his coaching staff; roll d6 for injury 1-2:miss the game; 3-4:miss this and next game; 5-6: dead)

31. Grudge Match (play at the start of the game, you may make multiple fouls, but only one on each opponent per turn)

32. Exploding Player (play if opponent blocks a player who has done nothing since the kick off. player-dummy explodes, knocking down opponent and adjacent players on 4+; place real player in reserves)

33. Razzle Dazzle (play at the start of your turn, you lose the turn on 1-2, opponent loses his next turn on a 3-6)

34. Fake Play (one throw cannot be intercepted)

35. Pit Trap (play if opponent enters square on your side of pitch; player falls in self-closing pit trap, make AV roll. restart kickoff if player is holding the ball.)

36. Blatant Foul! (foul is automatically penalized, roll injury for opponent 1-2:badly hurt; 3-4:seriously injured; 5-6:dead)

37. Spike! (foul automatically causes injury and no penalty, but player fouling is knocked down and must make AV roll)

38. High Punt (play when kicking, ball doesn't land until end of your first turn)

39. Assasin (make injury roll for opposing player)

40. I'll Get You! (play just after you kick off; one of your oponent's players blocks one of your players before snap, make block roll ect, then eject opposing player)

41. Bribe the Ref (you may place 12 players on the field at the beginning of a drive)

42. Sewer Map (use to sneak player on pitch; roll d6; 1=opponent places player, 2-5=pick square and roll 3 scatters, if out of bounds, make injury roll, 6=place anywhere on the field. player may not move until next turn)

43. Morley's Revenge (play after players are set up for kick off. roll d6 for each opposing player, and place prone on a 4+)

44. Side Bet (gain an extra d6x10K gc at the end of the match)

45. Wrong Guy! (Play when opponent is about to throw the ball. The player has been bribed to throw the ball to a player on your team. work out the pass to your player as normal, opposing players may intercept, count completion as int, opposing int as completion for opposing thrower.

46. Switch End Zones (play at the start of either half, you have repainted the end zones so that they are reversed. TD's are scored in opposite end zones than normal. After the drive, the opposing team and refs wise up, and play is resumed normally.)

47. Pull!! (play whenever opponent throws anything, you manage to sneak in a small cannon into your reserves box, and can blast any one object flying through the air, at any point of it's flight. Roll a d6, 1. miss, roll for random player (either team) who is accidentally shot; 2-3. miss; 4-6. BOOM! The ball will sideline scatter from the point of impact away from the cannon's dugout. Any bomb/globadier/pie ect.. will explode or do whatever in the square hit, to anyone in the square or adjacent if applicable. Any player hit with the cannon makes an injury roll with +1.

48. Extra Training

49. Bribe the Ref (negate one penalty against your team)

50. Trip Wire (play when opponent moves (but not Leaps) into your end zone. You have placed a tripwire across the line, the player falls into the end zone and must make AV/injury rolls as normal. The trip wire breaks after use.

51. Thank You! (play when opponent tries to blitz with ball carrier, you have bribed the player to hand over the ball. He will do a hand-off instead of a block)

52. Bribe the Ref (opponent auto ejected for foul)

53. Poisoned Water (play at the start of a drive before setup, you have poisoned the opponent's water, roll a d6 for each player, on a 5-6 they are placed in the KO box, and may roll to recover after the next drive)

54. Bribe the Ref (you don't need to roll for secret weapons for the game)

55. Chainsaw! (play at the start of the game, you may give any one of your players a chainsaw for the game. Player must keep chainsaw for the entire game, then it runs out of gas and is thrown away)

56. Dope Ball (play after you kick off the ball, the ball is laced with contact poison, anyone touching the ball must roll a d6 at the time of contact and the start of each turn, on a 1 the player is KO'd. The ball returns to normal after the drive)

57. Knackered! (play at the start of the match, choose a player on the opposing team, who must then roll a d6 and may not take the field until that drive of the game, as he is too worn out to play due to an anonymously sent woman-of-the-night that kept him busy the night before)

58. Onside Kick (play before you kick the ball, your coaching staff dug up a rarely-used play out of an ancient book of nuffle, and convinced, after a bit of financial persuasion, the referees into allowing it's use just this once. If the ball scatters to your side of the field, the opposing team does not get a touchback.)

59. Touchback (play when your opponent kicks the ball, you have bribed the opposing kicker to boot the ball way off to the side, and may automatically give the ball to whomever you want to on your team.)

60. Poisoned Dagger (play at the start of the game, one of your players has aquired a poisoned dagger. Give any one player that secret weapon for the game)

61. Blatant Foul!

62. Extra Ball (play at the beginning of any drive, you have snuck a second ball onto the field, which will be treated just like the normal one, play continues on the drive until a TD is scored with each ball.)

63. Loan Shark (play at the end of the match after rolling winnings, you have aquired the services of a loan shark to help bolster up your roster. You may borrow up to 1,000,000gc, but must pay back 1.5 times the amount. At the end of each game, roll one random injury per 50,000gc still owed after you roll winnings and pay back what you can or are willing)

64. Loan Shark

65. Groin Kick (play when making a block, instead of a normal block, you send your foot squarely into the crotch of your opponent. Opposing player is automatically stunned)

66. Firebomb! (play any time, use like custart pie, but player lobs a firebomb instead, treat as fireball spell after scattering if inaccurate)

67. Bribe the Ref (ignore penalty)

68. Grudge Match

69. Extra Training

70. Chainsaw!

71. Blood Doping (may play any time, either negates a failed Off for a Bite roll for a Vampire, or negates any permanent effect of a Serious Injury, such as niggles or stat decreases)

72. the Moe (may play any time during your team turn, one of your players has learned the secret martial art technique known as the Moe, and may strike with it at the beginning of his action. The Moe is a free action and negates the tackle zone from an opponent for 1 turn, and also causes the affected player to lose his action on the next turn)

73. Bribe the Announcer: (play at end of match).. you had bribed the announcer to call the play as you saw fit, allowing you to selectively promote your 'top' players...you may assign your MVP awards as you see fit.

74. Outside Interference!  (play any time)  One of your coaching staff illegally runs onto the field and decks an opposing player when he isn't looking...player makes an AV roll, and the member of the coaching staff (player chooses..usually an asst or cheerleader) is ejected (player may argue as normal)

75.  Dugout Tripwire (play at setup, after opponent has placed his team)  you had set up a tripwire at the entrance to the opposing team's dugout, and managed to trip up some of his players as they ran on the pitch.  Roll a d6 to see how many players got caught before it broke, and make an AG roll for that many random players.. if they fail, you may place them face-up anywere on the opposing coach's sidelines (his half of the pitch).
76. Robbed!

77. Blatant Foul!

78. Sorry Sir!

79. Weak Hit (play when opponent throws a block) you have bribed the opposing player to 'go easy' on this block.  He will automatically fail the block as if he rolled a skull (he still makes an Av roll, since no one bribed your player to go easy on him)

80. Spiked Ball!  (play at the start of a drive) you have switched the normal ball for a spiky death ball.  Ball remains in play until the end of the drive, then roll a d6.  On a 1-3 the ref spots the mistake and replaces it for the next drive.  Roll again after each drive until the ball is replaced or the game is over.

81. Bribe the Ref (negate a penalty)

82. Bribe Coaching staff (play any time) you have bribed a member of the opposing teams coaching staff.. you may use this at any time to cause the staff member to fail a given roll (this includes cheerleaders or assistants or head coach kickoff rolls, apothecary or Wizard rolls, it will negate a Dwarven wizard's xtra gp, or prevent dark/demonic wizard from a summoning of cards or demons he won't kill himself tho.. it can prevent a Necromancer or Slann from enslaving/reanimating a player, but cannot affect undead regen rolls...)

83. Bribe the Ref (auto penalty  the opponent)

84. Fix (play before the match) A swindling con-artist comes to ask you to fix a match. Roll d6 and subtract 1. This is the score you must get. Roll again to find the score you must try and force your opponent to get. Do not tell your opponent about the fix (the 3rd party will verify the roll...reroll this if no 3rd party). If you pull this difficult trick off, you gain an extra d6+3 x10k gold.

85. Counterfiet Sales (play after the match, when rolling for winnings) You attempt to make some extra bucks selling knockoff T-shirts to the opposing team's fans. Roll a d6, on a 1 the opposing team catches you and they get half their FF x10k gold from the sales; on a 2-3 the fans don't take to your shoddy fakes, and nothing happens, on a 4-5 you get half the opposing teams FF x10k gc; on a 6 you make particularly good copies, and score your opponent's FFx10k gold.

86. Bloodwieser Time: You swapped the opposing team's water with Bloodwieser...for the next drive they subtract one from all Agility rolls.

87. Win the Pools (play after the match) You put a bet on the pools for your own match, and get it exactly right. You gain an extra 20k gold.

88. Buddy Referee (play before the match) You pay the Referee to allow you to use 12 players on the pitch for the entire match. This effect is cancelled if 'get the ref' is rolled.

89. Extra-spiky Spikes (play before the match) One of your players wears a set of technically-illegal oversized spikes shaven to extra-razor sharpness. For the game, whenever he knocks a player over or fouls, he adds 1 to the AV and injury rolls...this is/can be cumulative with other skills. While the spikes are not the most obvious weapons, they may be caught by the ref... consider it a secret weapon with an ejection roll of 9+

90. Bad Apothecary Convention (play before the match) The opponent's apothecary had attended a convention where some of your associates fed him lies and superstition. As he tries to use his newfound 'skills' his abilities are rendered useless for the game

91. Revenge! (play before the match) One of your players (you may choose) gets the jump on a random opposing player before the match, over some past history. Make an injury roll for the opponent (no modifiers, but no rerolls or apothecaries allowed). He starts the game with the given injury, and if badly hurt or worse, give your player a casualty.

92. "that bloke's a druggie" You manage to expose a random opposing player as a drug addict. He must miss this and the next match as he goes thru rehab.

93. Spray Paint: One of your players has snuck a spray can of his team colors onto the pitch.  He can use it on an assisting opposing player adjacent to the player making the block, and the player blocking will be confused and hit the painted player instead!

94. Sniper!  Your team has hired a sniper to attack your opponent.  Unfortunately the sniper has poor eyesight.  Roll a D6 to determine the number of players that he will shoot at.  Only players currently on the pitch are targets.  Roll a D12 to determine a random target.  If you roll above the number of players on the pitch of the target team, the sniper shoots at your team instead.  Players being shot make an armor roll, and injury if neccessary.  After the shots are made the sniper is dragged away.

95. Doctored Play  One of your players has snuck into your opponents office, and changed his playbook.  To represent this, once in the game before the kickoff event is rolled you may switch the posistions of two of your opponents players on the pitch.

96. Ball & Chain  Your team has cunningly placed a ball and chain on one of your opponents players at any kickoff, this players movement is halfed for the drive rounding down.  After the touchdown is scored he has it removed and can move as normal.

97 Palmed Coin: Your team has swapped the normal coin for a 2-headed one, and you therefore may automatically choose to kick off or recieve at the beginning of the match.

98 Bribe the Ref(negates a penalty if your opponent rolls doubles on a foul)

99 Propaganda Your team has passed out literature regarding different races and the disadvantage of their dubious treatment.  This will affect your opponents allies to such an extent that when they make their ally roles at the start of each half that they will lose a re-roll on a result of 1-2 instead of 1.

100 BONUS! Roll a D6 for the following results:
       1-2 Get a bonus dirty trick in addition to this one. (Roll for both)
       3-4 Roll for two cards and pick one.
       5-6 Roll for a dirty trick and pick it or the result of +1/-1 on the table.

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