Norse Teams

these are based on the CJ version, but modified a bit

No-one can claim that they actually enjoy playing a Norse team, particularly away from home. Norse teams have the reputation of being the meanest with hospitality off the pitch, and the greatest providers of hospitalisation on it. They also have a reputation for rule-breaking that rivals that of the Dwarf Warhammerers. But, worst of all, there is their legendary ferocity. The average Norseman is a homocidal lunatic at the best of times, largely brought about by a life of melancholy solitute for half of every year and vast quantities of stomach-stripping drink. But the Norse who takes up Blood Bowl is a truly unedifying specimen... they train Huscarl by having them headbutt ice floes, and they tackle polar bears from the age of three.

And plenty of Norsemen have taken up the sport. Think about it from their point of view: the winter night is drawing in, and all you have to look forward to is another epic tale from the bard about guys hacking each other to bits over a reindeer and then going to Valhalla and hacking each other to bits for even less cause. Then you hear that the Arctic Cragspiders are playing five successive away games in far off and glamorous places like Lustria, the Elven Kingdoms, and the World's Edge Mountains. What are you going to do? You're going to make ready your travelling gear (a change of clothing for the huskies and a beer barrel) and report for squad duty.

The bulk of players from a touring side will have been year-round regulars, whom the opposition will have seen on duty on their ice-floe pitches in the depths of winter (if they were stupid enough to be landed with such a fixture). Away games against Norse teams really are the lowest of the low. The crowds are small, stationed some way off on the other ice floes (which occasionally tip under the weight of thier beer barrels), the cheerleaders brandish fathom-long spears and look like Blitzers themselves, the running game along the sidelines becomes a little more risky when even a slight brush from a three hundred pound Berzerker might spiral your man out into the ocean, and the passing game has it's own hazard - the fact that the ball usually comes down weighing three times as much as it did when thrown.

So, if they get their fixture list right, teams like the Asgard Ravens and Arctic Cragspiders can look forward to three or four 'wins' each season when the opposing players don't appear, preffering to stay home if front of the fire.

Norse Team List

Qty Title Cost MA ST AG AV Skills
0-12 Thralls 50,000 6 3 3 7 Block
0-2 Throwers 70,000 6 3 3 7 Block, Pass
0-2 Catchersl 70,000 6 3 3 7 Block, catch
0-4 Blitzers 90,000 6 3 3 7 Block, Frenzy, Jump Up

Rerolls: 60k

Special Rules

Sweltering Heat affects Norsemen on a 1 or a 2, but a Blizzard only trips them up on a 1, and they may attempt long passes.


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