Try It, and if You Don't Like It, Change It!
The earth moved beneath my Perfectionist's feet.

At the end of my first period of apprenticeship with Miguel Ruiz, he was encouraging me to begin guiding my own apprentices. I was more than a little unsure of my capabilities at the time. As we rode along in the car together, I was carrying on about "Should I do a group or individuals? How many apprentices do you think I should have? What if I find out I don't know what to do?" and on and on.

After listening to me for a few moments, he turned, smiled, and said in his simple way: "Try it, and if you don't like it, change it."

The earth moved beneath my Perfectionist's feet. My "know how it is going to turn out before you start" self was gasping for air. My ducks would not stay in a row. And in a flash of Miguel's Loving Wisdom, I was free.

It did not matter! I was free to act, to risk, to try it-- and to be me. And you know, it has turned out pretty well.

Thank you, don Miguel. As I write this, my heart is filled with gratitude for your patience, love, and wonderful wisdom. And I am so grateful for the many opportunities I now have to share my own love with others.

So, the next time you are agonizing over a difficult decision, large or small, I encourage you to try this simple wisdom for yourself: "Try it, and if you don't like it, change it." I think you will be happy that you did. I am.



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Allan Hardman is an author and expert on personal and spiritual transformation, relationships, emotional healing-- and a Toltec Master in the lineage of don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements.™ Allan teaches in Sonoma County, CA, guides “Journeys of the Spirit” to sacred sites in Mexico, and hosts wellness vacations to tropical paradises. He is the author of The Everything Toltec Wisdom Book, and co-author of The Heart of Healing and Healing the Heart of the World, with Deepak Chopra, Caroline Myss, Dr. Andrew Weil, Prince Charles, and others. Visit Allan’s extensive website and TACO, his online spiritual networking community, at