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For many years, Allan Hardman wrote and shared his "Not-So-Daily Thought for the Day" as the inspiration arose. These Archives share some of our favorites. Allan’s e-newsletter is now called “The Joydancer Weekly Word and News,” which includes more complete teachings, along with news about Joydancer events. If you are not already receiving our newsletter, we encourage you to sign-up here:


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| Whenever Preferences are Held, Freedom is Lost |
| Tengo La Culpa | What Kind of Love? | You Cannot Heal Yourself Out of Hell |
| Passionate Involvement Without Attachment to the Outcome |
| Lucid Living |
| I Tell Only Love Stories, I Sing Only Love Songs |
| A Prayer for September 11, 2001 | Honoring September 11,2001 |
| Solstice Ceremony, December 2001 | Try It, and if You Don't Like It, Change It! |
| Here Live da' Judge | On Conflict -- The War with Iraq | The Art of Not Knowing |
| The Circle of Fire Prayer | Two Dreams of New Year's Resolutions |

| Conversations with Allan from TACO |

The purest freedom sought by the Toltecs-- both those of the past and the present-- is the freedom from fear. We can only be free from fear when we hold no preferences or expectations for our selves, our lives, or our affairs. Even to have the preference for good health, means that the fear of poor health is always stalking in the shadows. If the preference is for financial abundance, then poverty will always be stalking you. And the biggest trick of all: If the preference for Spiritual Enlightenment is held, then the fear of being a regular old vulnerable human will always prowl the shadows of your life. And you will not be free.

To be free is to release attachment to Outcome. To be free is to know yourself simply as Awareness, watching the amazing drama of needs and fears, conditions and expectations in your mind and your life.

It is the path of the Spiritual Warrior of many traditions. Return to Contents or Subscribe!

Here in our Toltec Wisdom Circle in Santa Rosa, CA, we made a wood and brass desk plaque that says "Tengo la Culpa." It is Spanish for "It is my fault." Each week, someone takes the plaque home, and for that week, everything is their fault.

Think about it. What would it be like for you to not defend yourself, or blame anyone else, or try to justify your actions? What would it be like to say "Yes, it is my fault." It is often a very powerful experience for whoever has Tengo la Culpa for the week. It shifts the energy in relationships of all kinds. It challenges the structure of the Personal Dream.

Most conflict arises when one person's dream is different than another person's, and both people think their dream is "right." In order to remain right, they must prove the other person is wrong. We see this effect in wars, gang fights, legal disputes, and relationships all the time. "For me to be right, you have to be wrong."

Tengo la Culpa says "You are right. It is my fault." Conflict ends. Resistance ends. Arguing ends. It works in the inner world, too. If your inner Judge makes you wrong for something you said or did, try saying "you are right." No defense. Tengo la Culpa.

Being right is highly over-rated. "Tengo la Culpa" can be a potent act of power for the Spiritual Warrior.

Give it a try. I am interested in hearing about your experience.Return to Contents or Subscribe!

Love comes in many forms. We use the word for everything from "I love you" to "I love my new car / chocolate chip cookie ice cream / this weather / your outfit / peace." The thing that these uses of "love" have in common is that they imply some bargain made or some value received. "I (will) love you (if)..." Or, "I love (the pleasure I receive from) ice cream."

There is another kind of love, of course. It is the love that asks nothing in return, the love that creates no obligation, carries no conditions, and has no expectations. In fact, this kind of love does not even require an object to love... this is the love coming out of us, the experience of love and acceptance in us. It is our nature. We could then simply say "I love." Or, "I am love." Or, just: "I AM."

To experience the love of "I AM" is to be at one with the Divine Presence that is in and through all of creation. It is the source of the true Happiness of the Spiritual Warrior.

I returned last week from two weeks in Teotihuacan and Oaxaca, Mexico, with don Miguel Ruiz. His focus on that journey was our experience of "I AM." Actually, his focus on our journey together for all of the years we have worked with him has been to bring us to this place of the individual experience of the I AM. His dream is now being realized, both in the Toltec Community, and with other teachers and groups around the world. Return to Contents or Subscribe!

I have just returned from Honduras and Guatemala with Miguel Ruiz and a wonderful group of Toltecs. What an amazing place, from howler monkeys sounding through the jungle tops around towering Mayan pyramids, to the bright textiles and natural beauty of the highlands.

While traveling, I was thinking about a Big Trick that the Parasite tries to play on us. It says that if we can heal enough, if we can fix ourselves, we can be free and happy. It says that if we can get it all right (especially using the tools of the Toltec path!) we can leave the suffering of our "hell" and live in the happiness of "Heaven on Earth" forever.

DON'T FALL FOR IT! You can never be happy while you are rejecting parts of yourself that need to be fixed before you will be OK. You cannot heal yourself out of hell. You can only LOVE yourself into Heaven on Earth-- and it is instant. No changes in habits, weight, relationships, finances, diet, or spirituality needed.

When you accept yourself the way you are, you are free-- in Heaven. You are perfect just the way you are, and just the way you are not. Heaven on Earth is an instant reward for your self-love and acceptance.Return to Contents or Subscribe!

The Toltec, holding the intention to be free, stalks those places where fear denies personal freedom. One such place is the attachment to the outcome of relationships, events, and to life itself. No matter how happy one might feel when he or she has found the perfect mate, or manifested the ideal job, or created excellent health or the perfect self image... if there is the attachment to holding onto the mate, job, health, or self image, then fear will be present.

It is something like building a big bright fire in the woods to keep the hungry wolves away. As long as the fire is bright, the fear is forgotten. But the wolves have not gone away. As the fire dies down, as the love, the job, the health, or the image begins to lose its warm glow, the wolves begin to close in. The fear is always there, stalking, waiting.

There is only true freedom when the fear of change has been replaced by acceptance of What Is. There can only be passionate involvement in Life when there is not the fear of loss and the attachment to outcomes. No matter how big and bright you build your fires, if the wolves are still there you will never be truly present to enjoy the warmth and safety.

Without the fear, without the wolves waiting, you are free to build your fires, and to enjoy them with all of Life's passion.

"To the eternal happiness of the humanity."Return to Contents or Subscribe!

Many of you have probably heard about or practiced “Lucid DREAMING.” During the night sleeping dream, the Lucid Dreamer awakens to the awareness that he or she is dreaming. In that moment of “lucidity,” the sleeping dreamer knows that because she is dreaming, she is in control of the dream and can dream it in anyway she wants to. If the bad guy is chasing the dreamer, she knows that the outcome is up to her-- she can stop him, confront him, or change him into a cute puppy. One of the ways that people are instructed to remember they are dreaming is to learn to find their hands in the dream.

I had a friend who ordered a special pair of goggles for lucid dreaming. They were sensitive to the rapid eye movement that signals the night dream, and flashed little red lights in his eyes to remind him that he could "wake up" in the dream and change it. Unfortunately, my friend reported that the only dreams he had were about emergency vehicles with flashing red lights!

The greatest gift I have received from the Toltec teachings is the understanding that our minds are dreaming 24 hours a day. The only difference between day and night is that during the day your mind is using images and experience that are being collected by your sensory perceptions-- and when those senses shut down during night sleep, the mind uses stored images to create your dream. The mind is creating images and emotions during the awake dream and the sleeping dream. There is no difference in the “reality” of the dreams.

Lucid Dreaming is a great practice. The best thing it trains you for is Lucid LIVING. What a great gift to give yourself, to understand that you are dreaming during the day. You find your hands, you wake yourself up, and realize that you are dreaming... AND that you can change your dream in any way you want. WOW! What would you create? Who would you be? Would you dream yourself as hurt or betrayed by others? Would you dream that what you wanted was impossible to achieve? Or might you say “"ow, I was dreaming those limitations, but they are not the truth! How do I want to dream in this moment?" The possibilities are limitless.

I suggest that you try it right now. Find your hands (or your computer) and wake yourself up in this dream. Ask yourself “ What was I dreaming just now, and do I want to believe it, or would I like to change it to something that makes me happier?” You are the one dreaming. You have been domesticated and programmed to dream a certain way. When you awaken in the dream, you get to re-program your mind, and create a new dream. That is being a Dream Master in the Toltec tradition. And that is LUCID LIVING !

To explore the opportunity to become the master of YOUR dream, read about Allan Hardman’s monthly “Lucid Living Intensive” beginning June 25 - 27, 2004. For details, go here.


Have you stopped and listened to the Storyteller in your mind lately? What are the stories you hear? Often the Storyteller can be telling some pretty scary stories, and that is no fun!

Perhaps today is a good day to pay attention to your Storyteller, and if it is telling you scary stories, tell it that you would like to hear Love Stories, instead. How many ways can you say "I Love You" to yourself, to your partner, to your body, or to your Life? Maybe today is a good day to read some beautiful Rumi or Hafiz love poems to the Beloved.

God is the Beloved. Creation is the Beloved. Life is the Beloved. You are the Beloved.

Perhaps today is a good day to tell your self only Love Stories, and to sing only Love Songs.Return to Contents or Subscribe!

Beloved Divine Presence, I open my heart to you, to remember your constant presence in my life. Help me to remember that your love is always with me... your love that is without condition, without expectation, without obligation. Help me to fan the flame that is You burning in my heart. Let the light from that fire illuminate my being, and shine into my world. Let me see You in my world, always. Help me to love and respect all of your creation, as an expression of my love communion with you.

I surrender my fear and expectations to the awesome power of the love I feel from You within me. There is nothing more than this. I open in this moment a direct channel between my heart and You. I open this channel now, and I know You in, and as me, in this moment. There is only this Oneness. There is only You. There is only I AM.

In this place of pure I AM I feel the peace and love that is You. There is no Other. There is only this. Love. Creation. Absolute Peace. You. I AM.

And I know that this peace in me is You, and I know that this peace in me shines into and becomes my world. I am peace, my world is peace. There is only this. One. Love. Alive.

Divine Beloved, knowing You in my heart fills me with gratitude. Gratitude for this day, for this life, gratitude for all that is in this moment... gratitude for this moment that is filled with your peace and love.

Beloved Divine Presence, in this gratitude, I offer You my life that You have given me so freely. I am at your service, in the Dream of Absolute Love. The Dream of Heaven on Earth.

And in this gratitude, I simply say "Thank You."

And so it is.Return to Contents or Subscribe!

There are many people recognizing this day, all around the world. In the U.S.A. it is Our Day, the day we as a country and a people lost our innocence. Most agree that we will never be the same. I am wondering if the change will ultimately be for the better. I hope so.

A year ago, I wrote a piece about how a "Storyteller" that lives inside of each of our minds terrorizes us. It begins like this:

Every human's mind has a Storyteller... a small being who sits in the mind and tells stories to the human. That Storyteller is not there when the human is born. As soon as the new human is able to understand stories-- in tones of voice, facial expressions, and later with words-- the Storytellers living around that new human put the seeds of their stories into the mind of the new human. And they grow there, and become strong, and bear much fruit...

Maybe terrorism begins in the mind of each individual, and is then projected out into the world. Perhaps we are the terrorists.

If you would like to explore this idea, the article continues here:

However this day lives in your heart, I wish you a time of faith and peace. There is much goodness in our world. My intention is to use this day to create as much of that goodness as I can.

Love is the ultimate weapon against fear! You can only serve one master... which master do you choose to serve today? Love, or fear? I know my answer.Return to Contents or Subscribe!

We had a simple and very moving Solstice Ceremony here this clear and bright morning, on a high bluff directly above the surf roaring into the rocks of the Northern California coast. I felt a deep connection with the Ancestors, for whom the return of the warmth of the sun and the Light was so essential to life. And I heard the words of the man Jesus, who knew himself as The Light, and invited his world to join him in that awareness.

To the Toltecs, the Light is the messenger of Creator. And the message is Life. The Creator as the Unmanifest sends the message of Life into the manifest, where it becomes the material world we live in. And we know our world because the Light reflects from it and brings us the message of what is there: The creation of the Divine. We are made by the Light, we are Light, we see/eat/digest Light. The Universe is alive, the Light is alive, Light eating Light. There is nothing else here. Matter is created by light. The Toltecs knew it, now Quantum Physics knows it. Matter and Light are interchangeable. We are Light.

This is the time of the year when much of the world celebrates the birth of Jesus. Jesus said: "I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness." I believe that Jesus meant if we could believe we are Light, we would no longer have to live in the darkness caused by our misunderstanding of our nature. "I am Light, believe in Me" says to me "Believe in the Light, believe in your own Divinity, you are created by Light, you are the manifestation of the Divine." And since there is only this Light, there is only One Divine Presence here, then you must be that Divine Presence.

The wave in the ocean, is still the ocean. A manifestation of the Light, is still the Light.

Am I making sense?

Happy Solstice. Happy return of the Light. Merry Celebration of the awareness of You as the Light, as the Divine. That is the message of the season, of these Holidays, and of this Thought for the Day. Thank you for reading.Return to Contents or Subscribe!

At the end of my first period of apprenticeship with Miguel Ruiz, he was encouraging me to begin guiding my own apprentices. I was more than a little unsure of my capabilities at the time. As we rode along in the car together, I was carrying on about "Should I do a group or individuals? How many apprentices do you think I should have? What if I find out I don't know what to do?" and on and on.

After listening to me for a few moments, he turned, smiled, and said in his simple way: "Try it, and if you don't like it, change it."

The earth moved beneath my Perfectionist's feet. My "know how it is going to turn out before you start" self was gasping for air. My ducks would not stay in a row. And in a flash of Miguel's Loving Wisdom, I was free.

It did not matter! I was free to act, to risk, to try it-- and to be me. And you know, it has turned out pretty well.

Thank you, don Miguel. As I write this, my heart is filled with gratitude for your patience, love, and wonderful wisdom. And I am so grateful for the many opportunities I now have to share my own love with others.

So, the next time you are agonizing over a difficult decision, large or small, I encourage you to try this simple wisdom for yourself: "Try it, and if you don't like it, change it." I think you will be happy that you did. I am.Return to Contents or Subscribe!

An Apprentice in TACO told me this story recently, and we decided it would be fun to pass it on. One can only smile at how our Inner Judge is able to find fault, in spite of common sense or rational logic:

Whenever she was cleaning up her kitchen, The Apprentice would be quietly angry at her husband for not helping with the dishes. One night she discovered some plates that were not washed well, and she had to clean them over again. In that moment, she heard herself judging her husband for not paying attention and not doing a better job when he washed the dishes.

The Apprentice had enough self-awareness to catch herself in her contradiction: She could have one of these judgements, but she could not have both. Her husband could not be guilty of never washing dishes AND washing them carelessly. In her moment of clarity she found laughter, and released her husband from both judgments-- and the subtle punishments that had accompanied them.

By releasing her unconscious judgments, The Apprentice was free to initiate a conversation with her husband which resulted in more communication and mutual support in their relationship.

The moral of the story? Of course, it is that the more aware we become of the "Mitote" in our minds, AND the more acceptance and humor we can find in our own folly, the more love that we can bring to our lives and our relationships. The Apprentice has dedicated herself to exploring ALL of her inner dialog, and consciously choosing her beliefs and attitudes.

If that is a goal in YOUR life, I believe this Toltec path offers many valuable and powerful tools to make that dream a reality. Here at Joydancer.com and TACO we are dedicated to supporting your journey of awakening.Return to Contents or Subscribe!

The Toltecs teach us that everyone is dreaming their own personal dream, based on their beliefs and the unique way they interpret reality.

Conflict occurs between mates, parents and children, nations, friends, neighbors or lovers when there is not mutual respect for the beliefs of the other. When one side needs their dream to be RIGHT, they must make the other wrong. Since nobody wants to be wrong, each must fight to be right. In the fight to be right, there are no winners.

Can you, today, respect those who believe differently than you, and be free from conflict with them? Even their beliefs about war? Nobody is wrong, because everyone is dreaming their own personal dream, and that reality is perfectly right for them. (Note: Accepting someone's dream does not mean that you like it or want to have lunch or a war with them!). And can you love and accept all of the different dreams and belief systems that live inside your own mind? Each has its own story, and if each is respected you will end the conflict that lives inside of you. An end to the conflicts in our own minds will surely lead to an end to the conflicts in your world. As within, so without.

Blessings in these challenging times.Return to Contents or Subscribe!

We come into this Life not knowing much of anything. As soon as our attention can be hooked, we are taught words for all the objects, actions, and opinions around us. The process continues through school, religion, and all the way to our therapy and spiritual practices. "You are not acting the way I need you to for me to be happy so here is what I need you to do to change and then we will be OK, unless Mercury is in retrograde, then we both need to... and war is wrong because... and all you need to do for your cold is... and nobody will like me if I... etc."

We learn SO much, we KNOW so much. And there is SO much more to learn and know about in our busy world. What is a person to do? I would suggest to you that you NOT KNOW!! To Not Know is to break the illusion that your opinions and information are right for anyone but yourself, and thus release the need to defend them or impose them on anyone else. They are your PERSONAL opinions and information. Love them, just don't take them too seriously. Detach emotionally from your Knowledge.

The "down side" of this practice is that without the knowledge distracting you, you will be brought very present into the Now-- which for many people is too glorious, overly Divine, and filled with too much reality. If you are not intimidated by this prospect, I invite you to release your grip on your Knowing. After all, the truth is, you are spinning through space on a ball of molten rock with a barely stable crust, spinning around a ball of exploding gases, and you DO NOT KNOW what that means, what you are, or why you are here. The Knowing is just stuff you made up so your mind/ego can feel safe in the face of an unknowable mystery.

Surrender to that unknowable mystery, and you are free.Return to Contents or Subscribe!

In these challenging times, there is a very important prayer available to us as a support for finding our way in a suddenly new world. Several years ago, my teacher, Miguel Ruiz, author of "The Four Agreements," gave we apprentices "The Circle of Fire Prayer." I believe this to be a very significant resource in our new millennium-- perhaps as valuable in our time as the Lord's Prayer was 2000 years ago. It is a way of understanding our Divinity that changes our relationship with God from one of asking for help from the outside, to knowing and being responsible for the truth of our Divine nature inside. I hope you will spend some time with it, and that it will serve you in your life.

The words to the prayer are below. For a deeper teaching about the origins of the Prayer and its meaning, and an invitation to the Circle of Fire Ceremony in August, please go to my "Notebook" here.

(Today's Date...) This day of the Lord, when the Divinity returns to us.
When living our Free Will, and with all the Power of our Spirit,
We decide to live our lives in free Communion with God,
With no Expectations.
We will live our lives with Gratitude, Love, Loyalty and Justice,
Beginning with Ourselves,
And continuing with our Brothers and Sisters.
We will respect all Creations as the Symbol of our Love Communion
With the one who Created us.

To the Eternal Happiness of Humanity!

~ don Miguel Ruiz, "Prayers, A Communion with our Creator"
© 2001. Amber-Allen Publishing, San Rafael, CA 94903

Happy New Year! May you be blessed with all of the abundance and love that the Universe is, and that You are. I look forward to our continued communication and sharing, and hope that we will have a chance to travel the Toltec path together in person in 2002 and beyond.

Many people use this time of birth and renewal to make resolutions about new behaviors and beliefs for the future. I want to share some thoughts with you about why these resolves often fail in the old way of dreaming them, and how they, and you, can succeed in the New Dream.

In the old dream, perhaps you thought of something you wanted to change that you often did (smoked, over-reacted emotionally), or didn't do (get enough exercise, eat enough sprouts). And so you made resolutions at New Year's to change, only to find that your resolve did not hold, and you reverted to your old behavior. Perhaps you got mad at yourself, and judged yourself for having no "will power," maybe even going so far as to berate yourself as "hopeless" because of how you continued your unacceptable behavior and could not change.

The motivation for change in the Old Dream is fear and judgement: You are not OK unless you change (stop smoking, eat sprouts), and you are especially not OK if you cannot change the way you are. Note that many of the things we think we should change are habits we developed to protect or comfort ourselves from the hurt of being judged! When you judge yourself for overeating ice cream, it hurts your feelings to be made wrong, and so you need to be comforted... so you eat more ice cream. And it all happens inside your own mind, mostly subconsciously.

It can be a Hell from which there is no escape.

Without the Judge, the entire idea of resolutions changes dramatically. Imagine that you desire to change a habit, not because you are bad or lazy or stupid or inconsiderate, and not because you are afraid you will get sick or fat without your exercise and sprouts-- but simply because you would like to change. You accept yourself the way you are, knowing that your life is the perfect expression of all of the choices and beliefs and experiences that have come before, and now you would like to make a new choice. You decide to be loyal to yourself, and not hurt or go against yourself anymore in that particular way, because of your Self Love. So, you choose to act differently. There is no Judge present, so there is no rebellion, no conflict, no hurt, no resistance. There is only the integration of a new way of being.

You can make a Heaven on Earth in which there is no resistance.

It is so simple of an idea to accept ourselves the way we are, and yet so difficult to change the habit of self rejection.

Now there is a habit worth changing for 2002!! Let's make a resolution for no more Self Rejection (And then not judge (reject) ourselves when we revert to our old habit sometimes). We are talking about loving ourselves here. Is that too much to ask of ourselves?!

"Practice makes the master." What are you going to practice for 2002? I am choosing Self Acceptance and Self Love.

Many blessings for the New Year. May we all find the peace we seek, not from finally achieving perfection, but from coming to realize that we are already Perfectly Imperfect-- just the way we are, and just the way we are not!Return to Contents or Subscribe!

We invite you to receive your "Joydancer (Not-So-Daily) Thoughts for the Day" by simply returning to the top of the page to enter your e-mail address. We do not share addresses with anyone.

| Archives of "The Joydancer (Not-So-Daily) Thought for the Day" |
The Reluctant Apprentice |
What IS Love? | Journeying from Guilt to Love |
| Becoming a Toltec Dream Master | The Gentle Freedom of Being a Nincompoop |
The Toltec Warrior Remembers |
On Telling Ourselves The Truth |
| Watch Me | The Dreamtime Mitote | The Four Agreements |
A Fairy Tale |
The Life of Jesus and Our Healing Journey | Your Storyteller as a Terrorist |
| Toltec Tools of Transformation, an Interview with don Miguel Ruiz |
| The Light and the Smokey Mirror | The Snake in the Road |
| Prophesies of the Evolution of the Human Dream |
| Investing Your Faith | Some Thoughts on Violence |
| Circle of Fire Prayer |

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