On The Beat

Vol.2, No.1March 29, 1988

by O.B.


Spring 1988, The BEAT Rebuilds

Dave Hamner said it best. "The most important thing is having fun. But winning," he added, holding his thumb and index finger together, "is that far behind".

And so The BEAT approached its second season, sick and tired and thoroughly disgusted with losing every league game last year. A team that began as a Saturday social club went through a grim re-examination, sought help, and now breaks camp ready to take on San Francisco D League softball.

Although technically a returning team, The BEAT has added so many players that the "rookies" (8) are the majority of the active roster (15). The influx of players has brough not only talent, but new knowledge and perspective, helping the team evolve into a tighter, more productive unit.

It began during winter ball, when Eric Meyer and Gary Rothlein arrived from the hinterlands to shore up the outfield. Then Patrick and Wendy Doyle dragged Willie to the park, and suddenly there was an infield. As spring training progressed, Mike Harvey, Tim Hesselgren and Roy Nelson joined the team, all strengthening the lineup while providing key defensive support. The new BEAT had formed.

The 1988 BEAT

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