From: (FishboneII)
Newsgroups: alt.utensils.spork
Subject: The spork song!
Date: 8 Aug 1995 00:38:16 -0400
Organization: America Online, Inc. (1-800-827-6364)

here's a little ditty, no music to it yet...

The Spork song

Verse1  What's better than a fork?    (Shout) Spork! Spork!
        What can you use on a cork?  (Shout)  Spork! Spork!
        What's better than ham and helps eat from a can?

Chorus  Spork, Spork, Spork!!!!
        Spork is a spoon, with part of a fork. 
        But it's neither a spoon, not even a fork 
        it's a spork! it's a spork! it's a spork!

Verse2  What's better than pork?    (Shout) Spork! Spork!
        What's better than zork?    (Shout) Spork! Spork!
        What's better than spam and better than jam?

Repeat chorus