JCC Programs

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Jewish Community Center
Sonoma County

1301 Farmers Lane
Santa Rosa, CA 95405
(707) 528-4222
(707) 528-4288, FAX


Beth Goodman Executive Director
707-528-2549 bethg@jccsoco.org
Beth moved to Santa Rosa from Toronto in 1990, with her husband Garry and their two children. Beth has been involved in our Jewish community ever since, first serving on the Camp Chai Committee as a member, and then as its Chair. She became the Camp Chai Administrative Director in 1993. She also led Simcha Sunday, (sponsored at that time by the Jewish Community Federation). When the JCC was formed, it was an easy transition to becoming a JCC Program Director. Over the years Beth has coordinated Camp Chai, Simcha Sunday, the Jewish Music Festival, the Spring Gala, and other programs and events sponsored by the JCC. In September 2004, she retired to enjoy some unstructured leisure time. Now as the Executive Director, Beth rolls up her sleeves once again to bring her experience and energy to the growth and excitement ahead for the JCC and the greater Jewish community.

Ellen Bluestein, Program Director- Sonoma County Jewish Film Festival 707-528-8972

Rick Concoff, Program Director -Teen and Camp Programs

Fran Danoff, Friendship Circle Outreach
707-528-1476 frand@jccsoco.org

Karen Gould, Program Director -Simcha Sunday
707-528-8972 kareng@jccsoco.org

Judy Hyman, Bookkeeper
707-528-8972 judy@jccsoco.org

Sheila Katz Feiwell, PhD , Program Director - Meditation Program
707-528-4222 sheilak@jccsoco.org

directs the JCC Meditation programs, including the Annual JCC Jewish Meditation Retreat, as well as Sacred Hebrew Chant events held throughout the year. Sheila brings to the JCC a love of Jewish cultural experience, and a particular passion for spiritual practice and learning that adds depth and richness to daily life. Sheila holds a doctorate in Educational Psychology, and has taught in classrooms from pre-school to University. In addition, she has organizational experience from her years as a Project Director for Easter Seals of Missouri, where she created teacher-training workshops across the state. An active member of the Sonoma County community, she volunteers with many organizations that enrich the lives of people of all ages and backgrounds. Sheila and her husband Robert have lived in Sonoma County since 2001, and have three children.

Barbara Scharf, MA, Program Director - Friendship Circle
707-528-1182 barbaras@jccsoco.org

has been Program Director of Friendship Circle since June 2000. Barbara brings to the organization many years of professional experience in the field of human services and non-profit agencies. Barbara has been a longtime Congregation member in the Jewish community and an active volunteer with many Jewish organizations, secular organizations, and in the public schools. A Sonoma County resident since 1976, she and her husband, Larry, have two sons.

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