Rebecca rollover




Rebecca Beyman,

born June 10, 1950 ,

on the first anniversary of her crossing over on

March 6, 2004


As osprey she soared, as bear she dreamed, as snake she listened to the heartbeat of Earth. As fawn she held, in the softest part of her heart, those in need of compassion and she cared with special fervor for children from other cultures and those uniquely gifted. Rebecca’s altar was filled with images of the children she taught. She requested that there be no memorial service for her. Her ashes were scattered in private ceremonies at her birthplace on Hood River and by a creek on the Sonoma Coast . The third and final offering of her remains occurred at the center of her spiritual practice in Waltoykewel (Nomlakiland); here some of her ceremonial items were burnt, as her ashes were offered around the fire and the ceremonial Tree of Life. We send abounding gratitude for her generosity of heart. For many years she suffered more pain than any human should have to bear. She bore it quietly with dignity and with grace, immersing herself in a creek special to her for soothing and healing, literally and in the imagination. The Bear Woman Who Changes now holds her in her arms in Waltoykewel. She Who Watches Over The Dead, the spirits of the mountains who formed her, and the rivers and streams that cleansed her have also been entrusted with her care. Good-bye and auf Wiedersehen Rebecca, Riva, Riverwoman! Zachary Beyman and Jürgen W. Kremer

Condolences may be posted at Abby Chapel of the Redwoods Mortuary


Below find:

Pictures of Rebecca

Pictures of ceremonies for her crossing over

Pictures of some of her sculptures

August 2001 Hiking in Sapmi - A Dream Fulfilled

February 2002

May 2002 Waltoykewel

Last Official School Photo:

August 2002

April 2003 Treatment in Germany

With Gratitude to the Wright School District and All Other Generous Supporters

August 2003 Treatment in Germany

December 2003:


The following photos are from three ceremonies following Rebecca's crossing over.

Thanks to Dan, Glenn, and Maya for the photos!

Hood River in the Columbia Gorge - Place of Birth

Nch'i-Wána (Columbia River)

March 20 2004






Sonoma Coast - Place of Residence


March 28 2004




Waltoykewel - Place of Ceremony and Prayer

April 4 2004










Waltoykewel March 6, 2005

Other Places of Grieving Ceremonies












Last sculpture, February 2004: