SERIES = (Enzyklopädie des deutschen Ligafußballs VII)
TITLE  = Vereinslexikon
AUTHOR = Hardy Grüne
PRICE  = EUR 42.90 (hardcover)
SIZE   = 527 pages
YEAR   = 2001, Agon Sportverlag
RATING = 5 stars

Encyclopedia of German League soccer, vol. 7: Club register

Germans love statistics, which makes you wonder why they're not baseball fans. So a lot of their soccer publications will contain a fair amount of statistics, and this one is no exception.

This release is yet nother in an outstanding series from AGON. Hardy Grüne has scored another Volltreffer with this club register, which basically supercedes his earlier work Who's Who des deutschen Fußballs

Some 3500 clubs are profiled, and the club crests and insignias (unfortunately only black and white, otherwise Grüne should be canonized!) are given, along with standings, results, web links etc. Hell, it's almost as good as Abseits :)

Production quality is first rate, like the others in this series. High quality, semi-gloss paper.