J o h n W a t r o u s

voicemail: 707-360-5496
email: john@jwatrous.org
website: http://jwatrous.org


1942		Born, Riverside, California, August 24
1950-60	   	Assisted father, a cabinetmaker and building contractor
1953-61		Ham radio operator,FCC license K6PZB, designed and built electronic equipment
1957-59		Rebuilt Model A Ford, associated with So. Cal. hot rodders
1960-64		Chemistry  major:  University of California at:  Santa Barbara, Riverside, Berkeley
1964-68		U.S.Air Force:  Electronics & computer school, electro-mechanical troubleshooter
1966-67		Raced motorcycles in North Dakota
1968		Boeing Airplane Co., Seattle, experimental sheet metal division,worked on first model for 747 wind tunnel
1968		Studied Japanese calligraphy with Lucienne Bloch in Mendocino county
1969-71		Studied art at Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa, California 
1973		B.A. degree in sculpture, Humboldt State University
1974		M.A. degree in sculpture, New Mexico Highlands University
1974-present	Instructor in design, sculpture & computer graphics, Santa Rosa Junior College
1990-1997	Chairman, Art Department, Santa Rosa Junior College, Santa Rosa,  CA

Exhibition Designer
1974-1990	Art Gallery Director, Santa Rosa Junior College, initiated and organized, designed exhibition & graphics for  over 100 shows
1979		Director, University Art Gallery, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park
1981		Exhibition design instructor, Sonoma State University
1978-82		Exhibition preparator for Artrium, Inc. state wide art shows
1974-85		Juror for numerous fine art shows including, San Francisco Arts Festival, Sonoma County Arts Council, Mendocino County Fair, Gualala Arts Assn.
1976-83   	Exhibition organizer designer for: the Sonoma County Library system, Sonoma County Administration building, Evolution Art Institute, Christo exhibition
1981-83		Juror for the City of Santa Rosa Public Sculpture Competitions

Exhibitions partial list 
1980-87		California State Fair fine art awards in sculpture
1980-87		Invitational sculpture shows, Sweet Potato Gallery, Santa Rosa
1981		Music & technical director for perfromance "Mourning" Cinnebar Theatre, Petaluma
1982		Sculpture group show, John Bolles Gallery, Santa Rosa
1983		Landscape & the Architectonic, Council Chambers, Santa Rosa
1984		Solo show, "Painted Photographs" Perfetti Gallery, Santa Rosa
1984		Illuminated sculptures, Sweet Potato, Santa Rosa, LIMN 	Gallery & Pan Pacific Lighting Exposition, San Francisco
1984		Juried sculpture show, Cabillo College, Aptos
1985		Fabricated modular display system for Time Arts, Inc. & installed it at Moscone Center
1986		Two person show, Computer graphics & sculpture, Zenitram Gallery, Santa Rosa
1987		North of the Gate, Invitational show, Sonoma State University Art Gallery
1989		Society Gallery, Sebastopol
1989		"Illuminations" lighting show, Gallery of Functional Art, Los Angeles
1989		Private commissions for functional art furniture: David Saltz, New York, Donald Fagen and Annie Wilson Los Angeles
1990		Group show  "1st Annual Deluxe Clock Show" at What iz Art, Cambria  CA
1987-91		Group Show "Art from the Heart" Sonoma State University Art Gallery
1991		One person show at Elle Lui, Santa Rosa, widelux panaromic photographs
1993		Nancy's Restaurant, Sebastopol, Widelux Photographs
1993		Sound Sculpture, Elle Lui Gallery, with Mike Maggid
1994		International Shadow of the Dead Project, Esbo, Finland (Electronic Art)
1994		Choosing Your Partner, electronic art, Uppsala, Sweden
1994		Artistamp Collection, electronic art, Hasselt, Belgium

Additional Study & Research
1975-78		Exhibition design at Cal State Fullerton, Storage & climatology at Lowie Museum, U.C. Berkeley, publications and photography at U.C. Los Angeles, museum experience 				for the handicapped, Western Assn. of Art Museums, Los 				Angeles
1976-78		Experimental photography, Sonoma State University; large format photography workshop, U.C.San Francisco; papermaking workshop, Fiberworks, Berkeley		
1983		Sculpture workshops, Twelfth International Sculpture Conference, Oakland
1984		Studied electronic music at Sonoma State University with Ron Pelligrino
1985		Started Computer Graphics area, Santa Rosa Junior College
1985		New Technologies for the Arts conference, University of Utah
1986		Lectured on art & technology at Canterbury College of Art, England
1986		Attended British Design conference at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London
1986		Northwest Computer Graphics Conference in Eugene, Oregon
1986		Researched Computer Graphics studios in Europe
1986		Participated in the 8th International Sculpture Symposium in Carrara, Italy
1987-91		Studied computer programming, video, Santa Rosa Junior College
1990		Workshop "Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn" with Raymond Wldonski
1991		Ed. Networking and New Media Conference, U.C.Davis
1992		Electronics Classes, Santa Rosa Junior College
1993		Performance Art technical support and sound installations
1993		RF Digital techniques, Northern California High Speed Network with Glenn Elmore
1995		Created an Internet to Amprnet gateway at SRJC
1995		Multimedia paper presentation at National NUCEA Conference, "Artists Create the Interface"
1995		Created college's first totally online class, Online Art
1996		Asheville General Education Conference, Asheville, NC
1996		Digital Communications Conference, TAPR & ARRL, Seattle
1996-2008        Continued to teach at SRJC and make sculpture.  Retired in Dec. 2007