AD&D CHARACTER SHEETS: (compliments of Dale Thurber)

These are very high quality character sheets, profession-specific, with small graphics on the sheet to promote flavor of fantasy! They have plenty of room for roleplaying information, and I believe are better than the ones that come pre-made.

NOTE: Files are in WordPerfect 7.0 format.

Download the zipped version - AD&D Sheets (zipped)

Lotsa Files:

  • A Readme file About 20 WP files in 7.0 format.


    These really are kickass sheets! Try them and find out for yourself. Download the zipped version - Alternity Sheets (zipped) Nine files: The four major character professions (two docs each - front and back) and a REadme file.

    Please give me some feedback - E-mail: Dale Thurber