Exploding Compact Fluorescent Light(s)

  1. Compact Fluorescent Light
    1. Identifying information on the base.
    2. Bulb in desk lamp.
    3. Overview of circuit board top.
    4. Overview of circuit board underside.
    5. Close up 1 of damage to and around DIP.
    6. Close up 2 of damage to and around DIP.
    7. Close up 3 of damage to and around DIP.
    8. Close up of damage to transistor.
    9. Inside of base cone.
  2. Compact Fluorescent Light II
    1. Identifying information on the base.
    2. Identifying information on the base.
    3. Bulb in desk lamp.
    4. Close up of damage to transistor.
    5. Close up of possibly melted resistor.
    6. Compare glass coils old vs. new.