/* cgi-util.h created by Bill Kendrick kendrick@zippy.sonoma.edu http://zippy.sonoma.edu/~kendrick/ based on "post-query.c" and "query.c" by NCSA New Breed Software April 6, 1996 / July 15, 1996 / September 22, 1996 */ /* USAGE: In your CGI C source, "#include" the `cgi-util.h' file: #include "cgi-util.h" In your makefile (or when compiling), compile "cgi-util.c" into an Object file and link it to your CGI's sourcecode or Object: gcc cgi-util.c -c gcc program.o cgi-util.o -o program.cgi ...or, compile it along with your CGI sourcecode: gcc program.c cgi-util.c -o program.cgi Example C source: #include #include "cgi-util.h" main() { char str[100]; cgiinit(); printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n"); printf("


\n", entries[0]); /* First field received * / getentry(str, "name"); printf("For the `name' field, you typed: %s\n", str); } */ typedef struct { char name[128]; char val[1024]; } entry; entry entries[1000]; int NUM_ENTRIES; /* Number of unique name/value entries found (by cgiinit() below). */ int VIA_SHELL; /* 1 if called via shell (not via HTTPD) 0 if called via web (HTTPD) */ void cgiinit(void); /* Initializes CGI - receives form data (via either "post" or "get" method). */ void getentry(char * buf, char *s); /* Searches for an entry (name) and returns its value or an empty string. buf = address of string buffer to store value in. s = string (name) to search for. */ int getentryasint(char *s); /* Searches for an entry (name) and returns its value or 0. return = value, converted from string to integer. s = string (name) to search for. */ int getentryyesno(char *s, int def); /* Searches for an entry (name) and returns: 0 if the value is "no" or "off" 1 if the value is "yes" or "on" def if the value is none of those return = determined by entry's value (yes/on=1, no/off=0, else def) s = string (name) to search for. */