Home 7 Day Loop Trip

August 16, 2002 Glen Aulin to May Lake

Did anyone leave toothpaste out?

Wake up with some morning coffee

Glen Aulin's natural showers

Cold Mountain

Song Preparation

Singing to the Crew

Barbara and Pat, just crossed the bridge leaving Glen Aulin Camp

Morning inspiration

McGee Lake

McGee Lake

George at rest stop with Falls Ridge on left and Sheep Peak, North Peak, Conness, Ragged Peak, White Mt, and Carl Sharsmith Peak on right

Juniper on trail, just before lunch

Raisin Lake overlook from Krumholz Ridge

Raisin Lake overlook toward Murphy Creek Canyon- Krumholz Ridge

Raisin Lake overlook toward Murphy Creek Canyon- Krumholz Ridge

Raisin Lake

Getting ready to cool off in Raisin Lake

Tenaya Lake on right, above it is Sunrise Peak,Tenaya Peak,Tressider Peak,Echo Peaks, and Cathedral just peeking over the ridge on the left, Polly Dome in foreground and the canyon of Murphy creek is below

The California Raisin dance

Cathedral Peak

Why is Bill looking this way?

Attempt of a sunset panorama