Wallace's Premodern Japanese Literature & Culture pages, writings & blogs

— John R Wallace, Univ. of Calif. Berkeley —


Also at Humanities Commons: https://hcommons.org/members/johnrobertwallace/

Some of my classes are podcast and can be found online.

Contact me / Talk with me

Email me at: jwallace@berkeley.edu*

Make an appointment for an online meeting

I retired July 1, 2021 but I will maintain the above email address.
I am continuing to meet with students and others online.

Web pages on this site for specific courses

Japanese Lit & Culture Course dictionary ("Mini-Dictionary")


A course dictionary of terms and the concepts they represent that are used frequently in my course instructions and grading rubrics that the student needs to understand in order to score well.

Ōe Kenzaburō Reading Companion Web Page by Wallace


Titles, people, places, and terms in premodern and modern Japanese literature.

Film modules for EA105 "Interpreting Love Narratives (ILN)"

2046 | 3-Iron | Chunhyang | Dolls | Farewell my Concubine (currently no support page) | House of Flying Daggers | Norwegian Wood | Three Times | Tokyo Sonata (currently no support page) | Tony Takitani (currently no support page)

Request recommendation letter support

Instructions here.

More or less permanent pages

These panels lead to pages on the imperial poetry collection Selection of Poems Old and New (Kokin waka shū), The Tale of Genji and Heian culture, and The Tale of Heike. Each of these was developed for lecture series at the Asian Art Museum, San Francisco or for classes at UC-Berkeley but have been modified over time. They are intended for a general audience. The code supporting them is quite old.


