Basic Facts

The Tale of Genji (Genji monogatari) was written by someone who came to be known as Murasaki Shikibu, a woman of moderate aristocratic rank who was an imperial attendant to the primary empress of Ichijô (reigned 986–1011). We are not sure exactly when it was composed but portions were circulating by 1008 and the entire work was almost certainly complete by 1021. We do not have exact dates for Murasaki Shikibu but one widely quoted estimate is that she lived 973?–1014?. The Tale of Genji has long been recognized as one of the premier literary works of Japan and has been called by some the world’s first novel. Its influence on the arts in Japan is enormous.

General Structure of The Tale of Genji

Part One: The splendid days of Genji

Part Two: The lonely days of Genji later in his life

Part Three: Post-Genji days