Acronyms I have learned on black water dog's blog. Please add more or make corrections as neeed


BWD- Black Water Dog

FLOTUS - First Lady of the United States

GMA - Good Morning America

GWB - George W Bush

IMO - In My Opinion

KO- Keith Olbermann

LOL - Laughing Out Loud

MSM - main stream media

OMG - Oh my Goodness

OT - Off topic

PBO - President Barak Obama

PL - Professional Left

POTUS - President of the United States


Hawking your site - advertising your blog when posting a comment. A question to the group, is this rude or acceptable behavior?


Clueless question of the day

How do I get a picture I select on my posts, instead of this generic head?

The picture is called a "Gravatar". If you click on someone else's image you will be take to the Gravatar web site where you will be asked to log in. Use the same values you used to access your google account. A direct link to the gravatar site is -

Once you have logged in, you can then add an image for your gravatar. You can select a file from your local computer, the web or an online photo album. After selecting the file, you will be given an option to crop the image.


Is it blog etiquette that we do not use our real first names?