drawing of Indians
Drawing by Paul Owns the Sabre

Arvol Looking Horse, the keeper and guardian of the White Buffalo Calf Pipe gave Mr. Jacobs permission to record this incident.

Be Free Yourself

by Arthur Jacobs

Mesas rise in all directions from the valley in Green Grass, South Dakota. The walls of the raised flat lands that surround us are a colorful mixture of grey stones, green grass and brown dirt with an occasional purple or yellow flower blending in. The strong sun darting behind light clouds burns through. Occasionally a large white mass passes overhead bringing a shadow over us that passes with a cool breeze. On top of one of the mesas three horses and riders make a portrait against the blue horizon. Feathers of black and white blow in the wind attached to the riders long black hair. The riders are scouts watching over the ceremony.
In the ceremony everything is sacred, this is how it is naturally - sacred. The ancient white buffalo calf pipe is brought off the mountain. It is brought in front of a tepee, in front of fifty people who are praying and loading their pipes. The white buffalo calf pipe is an ancient pipe that has power. It has has been used as a sacred pipe for more than three hundred years. It is older than the United States (this young country). All the power of a strong, proud, and beautiful people are in this pipe. A people that believe so strongly they keep every moment sacred, as sacred as the moment of creation! Six drummers and singers surround a large drum. Vibrations of sound from the depth of the singer's being, emanate through the air, reminding all of us that here we are in creation.
The power of appreciation is humbling, allowing one to witness the magic everywhere. The sparkle of sun against pipe stone, the redness of the tobacco burning inside of the pipe, and the smoke pouring out of the smokers mouth and out of the pipe in his hands attune one to the miracles of nature. The magic that makes one remember, "here we are in this paradise called Earth."
A little commotion behind the drum draws attention. There are seven people in full military uniform, United States military uniform! The singing continues and the praying goes on non-stop.
I am bewildered. "This is August of 1990 at a Native American Ceremony," I think, reassuring myself. But at the same time I allow doubt of the integrity of the United States government to scare me. But I know I can not stay scared for that will only add to the confusion, I continue praying. After a while I feel that the army personnel are going to leave. Curiously, I approach one of them and in my ignorance ask, "Who are you? Hoping they may have been there with good intentions, I say, "Maybe you are wearing your uniform as a sign of respect, but don't you have any compassion? It was only a short time ago that people in uniforms like those massacred these people's grandparents. Don't you think you are frightening these people here?"
He looked me in the eye, and in all serious-ness he said, "We are trying to frighten them. Pray for me." Then they all left.
I was stunned! Does the United States get its so called "freedom" through terrorism? Is this freedom based on keeping someone Indians, blacks, any minority captive, and having someone as an enemy, someone who has to struggle to be free and struggle to live the way they want to? If our "freedom" is based on keeping anyone captive, it is not freedom. This is the 1990's, when will we grow up and not have to have good guys and bad guys or cowboys and Indians fighting each other. When will we realize by having someone as an enemy we only perpetuate the fighting! We are a young country, yet we cannot have an excuse. When will we be content being who we are, just people? I pray it comes soon.
For me suddenly the day in South Dakota felt like just any other day in the United States of America. Yet the ceremony went on as if nothing had happened. Afterwards when I asked the Indians about the disturbance I had just witnessed, they looked surprised at my innocence and asked me, "What else is new?". The U.S. might try and excuse themselves by telling people that it was the Surgeon General's staff doing health work (It was the Surgeon General's staff). Has the United States Government no shame? The genocide is still going on. The terrorism is only in a less obvious form now. I did not write this to cause anger. What is done is done. Take the anger and redirect it, use it to help native people be free everywhere. Be an example and be free yourself!

~See Through

The words in the game FREEMAN (Copyright 12/1/98 by Arthur Jacobs) are from the story, "Be Free Yourself". GOOD LUCK!

Click in applet to activate game (if on Macintosh type a letter also)-hit return or any letter for another word--Please be patient while the Java applet loads. When you are set free for the first time there may be a delay while your freedom quote loads! ENJOY!!!!!!

This site constructed by Arthur Jacobs to find out more please e-mail: Arthur Jacobs, Star Walkers star@sonic.net

More stories from the book "Star Walkers," "Counting Coup - Changing Energy," Back to home page and "Cowboy Justice In Tiburon,"

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English and Spanish
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Here is a dinosaur game that children may enjoy (and learn from):
Dinosaur Game

Why is Leonard Peltier still in jail?


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