Stephen McMillan
Data to 1-1-24
Due to lack of record keeping for the earliest prints, the totals may be plus or minus by about 50 prints.
Total number of prints claimed, (total of all editions claimed, plus any un-numbered editions): 80013
Total number of claimed prints that definitly will never be printed: 2708
Total number of prints that still could be printed from existing plates: 33990
(It is likely that most will never be printed)
Total of prints that have been printed: 43315
Total printed by artist: 23242
Total printed by master printers: 20073

Total etchings done: 394---- Total etching plates done: 697

Total lithographs done: 25 ----Total litho stones or plates done: 97

Total other types of prints done: 7---- Total blocks, etc done: 9

Total of all prints done: 426---- Total plates, etc done: 803