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World History

The Enlightenment in Europe

Use the information from the readings on pages 171&emdash;177 to fill in the blanks and answer the questions:

The Scientific Revolution led people to begin learning the laws that governed nature by direct observation, testing and reason. As people began to look for laws that governed human behavior, it paved the way for the ___________________ or _______ ______ _________, reaching its height in the _____________.

Two Englishmen presented two very different ideas about government and human nature. Thomas Hobbes saw humans as __________ and __________. Therefore the purpose of governments was to _________________. The agreement by which people created government was the _______________________.

On the other hand, John Locke believed that people could _____________________ ______________________________________. He favored _______ government. He believed people had three natural rights: (1) _________, (2) _________, and (3) _________. If a government failed to do this, then the people had the right to _________________.

A group discussing these new ideas developed in France. They were called _______________. The core concept of their philosophy was (1) __________, (2) __________, (3) __________, and (4) __________ and (5) _________. One influential member of this group, Francois Arouet, used the pen name ____________. His writings used satire to fight for (1) ____________, (2) _________, and (3) ______________________ and (4) __________________________.

Another member of this group, Montesquieu, believed that England's government was an example of ________________ among three groups of officials. These three groups were (1) the _____________, (2) the _____________, and (3) the ____________. He called this division of power ______________ ___ ______________.

An Italian philosophe, Cesare Beccaria believed that laws existed to preserve the social order, not to avenge crimes. In order to get rid of several abuses of justice, he advocated:






He based this on the principle that government should



The philosophes challenged assumptions about government and society. They often held a _____________________ view of women. Two women writers of the time both believed that women needed _______________. Many wealthy women helped spread enlightenment ideas through social gatherings called ___________.

Enlightenment thinking inspired many of the revolutionary movements of the late 1700's and 1800's. They also produced three other long-term effects/outcomes:









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last updated October 18, 1999