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Questions About Psychic Music Readings

1. How does it work?

When you walk into the session, you are generating a field of energy patterns. All the people and things and circumstances that are relevant to you are reflected in this energy. As soon as I tune in, I can sense your field, the "map" of your life’s story, as music.

2. What do we seek to accomplish in a session?

A complete session can provide:

• a reflection of your current personality and emotional condition;

• assessment of what you need, or crave, to balance or grow from your present state;

• music to evoke and energize the aspects of your being that will help you the most on your journey;

• a reweaving of your energy pattern to help you integrate these freshly re-energized aspect[s] in balance with your ongoing identity.

Other special processes we can focus on, if you so desire (may require one or more private sessions to complete):

• readings /harmonization for couples

• personal mantras, chants, and musical meditations for special needs

• or even an entire biographical suite reflecting on different phases of your experience and growth.

3. What’s the drumming for?

The drum is the traditional instrument for carrying the shaman between the worlds. I use it to "wash" your energy field before the session, so that what you bring into the space is your own energy, not some transient distraction. It "stops thought" so we are better able to shift points of view. It also helps ground me so I can remain open to your energy.

Another way to describe it is with metaphor. Your own thoughts have marked a road to the life you want. The drumbeat is the engine which enables us to move along this road between the worlds, while the piano both provides the steering and describes the scenery as we travel.

4. How can I get long-range benefits from this experience?

The insights and energy shift provided by the music mirror can have profound effects, even if you do nothing further. Many clients enjoy hearing their session music repeatedly, to reinforce the energetic elements that are being reasserted in their lives. However, the music that flows from a single reading is not meant to last forever, but to stimulate change. After a few weeks or months, come back for a new reading, or ask for a deeper channeling for a whole-person musical meditation.

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"Alan, sitting at the piano, held up a sound mirror so that I could "see" myself in a new way, so that I could appreciate every part of me and feel how the parts, which I often viewed as disjointed, fit together as an integrated whole.

"The original music you created for me was so comfortable to hear. I thought how wonderful that another human being experiences me as a beautiful melody. And, even in the places where the music sounded discordant, I could still gratefully claim the dissonance as a worthwhile part of me.

"That’s the miracle I feel when I listen to the tape from the session—that all the disjointed parts of me come together again and I feel newly integrated."

— Norma Novy, CHT, CMT
"I felt my life purpose amplified and mirrored back to me, so I could hear it more clearly. Acceptance of who I am, of my purpose, of the path I have chosen… brought tears to my eyes, relieved that somebody saw me, and liked what he saw

"I felt more alive after the session, more grounded, more centered in my self.

"Thanks again, Hummingbear."

— Michael H., CMT

"Wondrous, clarifying, and uplifting. Many thanks."
— Judith I.


"Really a heart-opening experience."

"Brought tears of love to my eyes."

—Oak Silliman

—Free Ryan

"Alan's music, so exquisitely played, is a beautiful example of how sound can stir something deep within the heart and soul. As I listened, it triggered a number of powerfully healing and creative insights. I had come to the session with no expectations, and left with a flood of ideas for a new book I am about to write. What a blessing!"


"Alan's genius is that he can tune in to the energy of an event and take it where it needs to go."

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Alan Young learned to play piano before he could ride a bike. In 1969 he got his first steady job accompanying modern dance classes, where he learned (by the sink-or-swim method) to improvise in many styles.

Since then, Hummingbear has engaged in a lifetime of piano and music study, including classical, jazz, and traditional ritual music of India, Africa, and Indonesia. All these styles have influenced his versatility at the keyboard, as illustrated in his solo piano CD, Winter Daydreams.

Although practicing music is important, "the most important skill I practice is the ability to move freely between different states of consciousness." To develop this skill, Alan has intensively studied shamanic trance healing with Michael Harner and Sandra Ingerman; Shamanic-Wiccan trance with Starhawk; chakra healing with Anodea Judith, and a variety of other personal counseling and transformation techniques.

Hummingbear has been offering musical healings based on psychic attunement for 25 years. He is located in San Rafael, California.

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