Electronic Portfolio  
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Portfolio Guidelines
  1. Class Requirements
  2. First Impression
  3. Organization & Navigation
  4. Content
  5. Appearance & Readability

1. Class Requirements

    5 - 7 pages required

  1. Main page containing: name, job industry target, promotional slogan, email link, and navigation for entire site
  2. Resume
  3. Work Examples
  4. Contact info
  5. About me or equivalent containing: more promotional info about the professional you, your skills, experience, approach to your field and work in general, goals, special focus or edge that sets you apart. (Be very careful how much personal, non-professional info about you and your life that you include here.)
NOTE: A preliminary splash page that leads to the main page doesn't count as one of the 5 required pages.

For portfolios already on the web there should be sufficient pages to contain the above elements and give a good idea of the owner's skill and abilities)

2. First Impression of Portfolio Home or Opening Page
  • very clear whose Portfolio it is, what the owner is offering or looking for
  • job/industry category clear, look and feel is strong, inviting, confident, and completely professional
  • site loads appropriately
  • makes a strong impact, visitor invited and encouraged to continue reading


3. Organization and Navigation
  • well planned and organized
  • navigation and site plan crystal clear, easy to understand, consistent throughout site, can't get lost
  • page and section headings and HTML <title> tags used effectively
Navigation & Links
  • no broken or non-operational links and all links lead to expected results
  • no dead-ends or unexpected turns
  • nav bars and link placement remains consistent from page to page, current page link present but not active on nav bar
  • overall site plan, and knowing where one is from page to page is always easy to grasp
Appropriate Load Times for Pages w/ Graphics
Image sizes are small enough to produce quick load times, excellent and consistent use of thumbnail images as links to larger, separate images.

4. Necessary Elements, Content, Emphasis
  1. Job Objective, Opening Summary, or Slogan
  2. Online Resume
  3. Contact Info
  4. Work Examples with Descriptive Context Narratives
  5. Self Promotional Text
Job Objective, Opening Summary, or Promotional Slogan
  • Job Objective, Opening Summary, promotional Slogan, or other descriptive text, crystal clear
  • well written, strong, concise, confident and engaging, focused on needs of client/employer, and singular, not split among several objectives
Online Resume
  • Resume present, easy to find
  • consistent with layout and design of portfolio
  • quick glance reveals resume content supportive of portfolio Objective (in depth critique of resume done separately).
Contact Info
  • Contact info is present and immediately visible
  • no more than 1 link click away from main page, at least 2 methods offered, with possibly a fill-in form (for being added to a mailing list, or for entering details to request a quote, for example).
Work Examples & Descriptive Context Narratives
  • Number, quality and variety of portfolio work examples excellently reflect portfolio owner's experience and demonstrate skill
  • descriptive context narratives present, examples are all very well explained and put into context
  • descriptions of skills demonstrated mentioning client needs, challenges met, etc. making it very clear why particular work examples have been included
Self Promotional Text
  • Self Promotional Text excellently strong and self confident, sufficient without being overly boastful, and excellently in balance with Graphic/Visual component
  • Text excellently written and completely understandable, easy to follow content, wording appropriately concise, not at all wordy, or too brief
  • clear, focused, appropriate, excellent balance in number of items listed
  • Skills and experience not at all sold short, Portfolio promotional text very clearly answers Employer/Client's question 'Why hire you, what can you do for me?'
Comparison with Others in Same Job/Industry/Field
Presentation is unusually well-done and stands out from the crowd, when compared with 5 other portfolios from the same industry .

5. Appearance and Readability

Do the Visual Formatting and Page Layouts look professional and do they support and enhance the content: background and foreground colors and images, font faces, sizes and colors, etc? Is the text concise and well written, and sufficient for clarity, are there any Grammar, Spelling, or Typographical errors?

Grammar, Spelling, Typographical Errors
  • no grammar, spelling, punctuation, spacing errors
  • no typographical errors
  • excellent grammar and phrase or sentence structure.
Visual Formatting and Page Layout Enhances Content
  • visual formatting excellently supports and enhances portfolio
  • font faces, sizes, colors, horizontal and vertical spacing excellently support readability
  • background color/image, and any other graphics completely appropriate to Objective
  • appearance completely consistent throughout, colors and text work excellently together, exceptional color coordination between links, background, text and graphics
  • text area slices saved as .gif files in ImageReady, PhotoShop, etc have been replaced by real text typed or pasted into HTML page code, so that page text is crisp, sharp, and clear, without fuzzy or blurry edges
  • excellent, attractive, consistent, and functional page layout scheme, appropriate horizontal and vertical spacing, all lists align vertically
  • look of all pages and layouts is professional.
Cross Platform and Cross Resolution Stability
Netscape vs Explorer and 800x600 vs 1024x768
  • no noticeable spacing or layout difficulties
  • no portions of frames inaccessible, no unintended horizontal scrolling required
  • no drop down menu problems, or other problems due to browser differences
  • no monitor resolution anomalies, or displays a disclaimer (like: best viewed with Netscape 4.7 at 800x600) present and visible on main page.

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If you have any questions or comments about this site, please contact Adrea Moss