March 2004 NCNCA Meeting report

This is an unofficial report about the March NCNCA meeting. These notes and observations have not been reviewed or approved by the NCNCA and represent the observations and opinions of the reporter.

Prez Report - Tom want to buy a whisper quiet generator. Tom is working to set up a Cross Scheduling meeting for April. Will invite all the Cross promoters from last year to lay out a schedule for this coming Cross Season. Wants to see about brining all Cross promoters into the USCF/NCNCA Program.

VP Road - As of 3/5/04 we have 2785 licensed riders in the territory. This equals 9.6% of the total USCF membership. From the membership numbers it looks like our women's programs are paying off but we are behind the curve on the number of juniors.

The permit for the Chico State Stage Race has been canceled. The WCCCC conference director an NCNCA were concerned about the promoter not having permits from the counties or CalTrans for the events. Other concerns not addressed by the promoter.

Upgrades issued so far this year
5-4 65
4-3 37
3-2 3
downgrades 5
club changes 52

A current news page has been added to the web page.

VP Operations - 34 more newsletter subscriptions and 10 new club members 455 newsletter subscriptions. 66 NCNCA club members. Some clubs haven't renewed their USCF club memberships but they are NCNCA club. Wants to cancel the NCNCA phone line to his house since no calls are received and it will save money.

NCNCA champions page been added to the web page. Ryan Fu has volunteered to work on the officials section. Ken gave him the go ahead.

Hold up on the jerseys from Voler for the BAR awards. There was a hold up in getting the sizes. Voler lost the check and artwork so we are waiting for Voler still.

Newsletter/equipment/ Sec. report - Minutes from last meeting approved.

Equipment - Quiet 2,000 watt generator Mclane wants one for this coming weekend. Motion to spend between 1200 and 1300 on the new generater.

Iron Angles collected $300 in in NCNCA surcharges that will go to the Nor Cal High School Mt. bike league. About 1/2 the riders were from the High School Mt. bike League and the league is really growing and taking Off. 8-0 approved. Robert will buy the generator tomorrow.

Newsletter - Less submissions this month but there were plenty of race Ads to fill space. There should be several submissions for next month.

Treasurer - Income is about 1400 ahead of expenses for the year. About 8,000 in checks collected at the meeting not accounted for in the Tres. report so we are doing well for the budget. A lot of clubs still ordering pins and numbers at the last minute. Maybe start charging a surcharge for ordering numbers and pins so late.

Old Business - May 15th race conflicts. discussed.

Women track program 22 different women so far. about 10-12 riders each week.

Looking for a CR for the U.C. Berkeley weekend.

New Business - Shawn wants to make photo copies to PR racing for the Cinderella Classic 50 to 60 dollar budget NCNCA can also provide copies of the 2004 calendar. budget approved.

Non eligible riders in the mass start Dist championships Moved to limit the mass start District Championship events to medal eligible riders only. Since it is a championship event is it really fair to allow riders not eligible for the championships possibly affect the outcome of the races. Motion passed 4-0-4 to only allow medal eligible riders enter the mass start Dist Championship events. Medal eligible riders are those living in zip code areas starting with 893-898 and 936-961 Riders should be ready to show proof of residence in case there is a question if the live in the NCNCA territory.

Some riders not getting credit in the results due to illegible hand writing on entry forms. To make life easier for officials and registration workers riders are asked to please write legibly on entry and release forms.


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