general strikes in romania

map of romania

1997, june 11 - 20 - miner-led general strike wins significant pay raises
the 10 day general strike, led by miners of the coal public utility (rah) in the jiu valley, ended with thousands of miners rallying in front of the headquarters of the petrosani pitcoal public corporation. the leader of the strikers, romeo beja, announced that the government representatives approved a 23.3 percent salary increase as of 1 july. this increase covers the skipped wage indexation since last march, which was granted to corporations in the country. as of 1 august, the wage increases will be in step with the indexation. the workers returned to their workplaces and said that they will work on saturday, too, to recover the lost production of the past 10 days of strike.

more information is available from the romania on strike web page.

the world : europe : romania