This place is yours...

Hi there. In the few months time that this page has been up, i've received quite a bit of really cool e-mail from fellow Blockout freaks. Your stories are interesting, and i'm sure others would like to hear them too. Please feel free to use this space as you will -- brag about highscores, add links to other Blockout sights, or simply vent your frustration.
Have a nice life.
Add to this thing if you'd like...

blocks is the best game ever!!! We would like to recommend playing 3x3x18 extended cause it's the most fun and most exciting of all. we did 150,000 on that. try it! btw, does any of you drop about 5-6 shapes right away and only then start playing? isn't that stupid? good.
Aya and Hagar -
Jerusalem, israel - Fri Jul 30 08:45:33 2004
Some days ago I felt like wanting to play a particular game I had been fond of 12 years ago. But, hum, was it tetris? I searched the web for tetris, tried it out, got bored, and yesterday, I remembered: it was BLOCKOUT! My fingers still knew what to do. Now I have been playing whole night long, and it's great! (The only thing I miss is the sound - don't know why the "O" switch doesn't work for me.) Thank you for this site.
Zoo Loo - <>
Germany - Fri Feb 6 23:25:42 2004
I just discovered this game and it's great! (Well, I'd heard about it before but never got the chance to play it... until yesterday!! and I never stopped playing since :p) I wonder if the game runs faster than it was originally meant to, because computers are so much faster these days. Does anyone know if computer performance affects the game speed?
Thomas - <>
Antwerp, Belgium - Sat Jan 3 14:22:05 2004
Yeah. I got it, 100.000 points in 3D-MANIA (3x3x10). After finding this site I practiced again and again, next aim is 150.000. I like 3D-MANIA mode best, it's a lot of strategy and a lot of pressure :-). Have fun and make new highscores... btw: I am not a dinosaur as well (23 years), but that seems to be the explanation: the dinosaurs had more time practicing :-)
Martin -
AIchach, Germany - Mon Aug 11 06:11:37 2003
I'm not a dinosaur (just 23)! I had BL since 89-90 when I was a 10-year old kid (my dad had it from a colleague at work) - and played it on an old Olivetti 8088. Now I'm still playing it, it's indeed the kind of game you never get bored...
Hans -
Brussels, Belgium - Mon Jun 16 01:12:40 2003
Download blockout so I can play
Eileen - <>
Melbourne, Victoria Australia - Sat May 17 04:14:58 2003
Hi Are we not a bunch of dinosaurs? I will bet everyone posting here has to be at least 30 years or older.. I too had this game on a 386 EGA system too many years ago (pre 1989) and used to play it after a hard day of frustrating *real* computer work! I found the Java version and played it, I was amazed that after all these years the fingers remembered what to do.. spooky! The Java Version was really cool and seems to be exactly how I remember it. And to think I was almost ready to dig out my old 80 meg hard disk from my computer graveyard and try to find this old game. Thank computer god for search engines! Thanks Dave Wojo
Dave Wojo - <>
Reno, NV USA - Sat Mar 22 20:40:00 2003
Finally i found Blockout again, thanx alot! I haven´t thought about it im years, and right now i am at University doing a course in logical design, which is about boolean algebra and logic minimisation. I wondered why i could figure out the results so fast, and, either believe it or not, thesae diagrams look the same as the blockout playfield. And the Problem is basically the same... Logical minimization. which is essentiaL knowledge in chip design. Thank you block out!
elmarcusio - <>
Germany - Fri Nov 22 02:16:38 2002
I used to play much with Block Out competiting with my brother. My record (flat fun) was 158'705, my brother reached 151'xxx. I was able to reach the death level starting on level 9, but the records were done starting on level 8.
Den -
Hungary - Thu Sep 19 02:02:14 2002
I first played Blockout in 1990 on a 386pc and if I remember right my high score was around 175000. We had a competition in our dorm and I won. I lost the game many years back and just found it yesterday. Tried to play it on a AMD XP 1700 and damn it seems alot faster. Or maybe I'm just getting old. =) My first game I played after more than ten years and I still got 130000... not too bad. Starting to get into it again. I hope there are some people out there that are still playing. It would be fun if we can have a friendly competition.
Jimmy Lee - <>
Fremont, CA USA - Thu Aug 1 17:19:36 2002
I had blockout running on a 8088 or 80286 around 1990 and at that time had a topscore around 110.000. I had it also installed on many newer computers thereafter but only recently started playing the game again to show my children how nice an even more than 10 years old game still is. However, my fingers learned the game only using the A,S and D keys for clockwise rotation, I never used counterclockwise. Now, confronted with all those very high scores in het hall of fame on this site I was wondering whether those people use both clockwise and counterclockwise rotation because I can imagine it might be a necessary speed gain at level 9. If this is true I would necessitate a new learning curve for me.
Alfred J. Apperloo - <>
netherlands - Wed Dec 5 04:03:40 2001
Blockout... It's an evil, addicting game... I LOVE IT... I can't believe the company went out of buisness! (well, I can, but still..) It's a cool game!
1 r 1337 (Mike) - <>
Sebastopol, CA USA - Sat Sep 15 22:44:28 2001
I was playing Blockout some 10 years ago, or more ... on one of my first PCs ... It did'nt work anymore on some 386 or 486 I had down the road. Then lost the game ... Missed the game for years, then finally stepped in this afternoon, and ... THANK GOD ! :-))) ... Google put me on track, and you were here !! Thank you for this brilliant site ! Hi there to all Blockout fans the world over ! :-) I'm amazed not being the only one on the planet, remembering this once obscure little marvel ! CU Guys :-)
Emmanuel GENETTE - <>
Metz, France - Tue May 8 07:01:35 2001
hello this page is awesome. I have´nt played it for years. I just trued it again. Everything was the same. The exitment, the despair ( when you loose) the obsession of getting better. I have just deceided to get inti training again and then set my best highscore ever :)
Lasse Christensen -
Denmark - Mon May 7 14:02:05 2001
I've played Blockout since '92 and if I were to pick 1 game to take to a desert island... you can easily guess! This game RULEZ!!!
MIKi - <>
Ramla, Israel - Fri Mar 2 10:22:07 2001
I've played Blockout since '92 and if I were to pick 1 game to take to a desert island... you can easily guess! This game RULEZ!!!
MIKi - <>
Ramla, Israel - Fri Mar 2 10:21:28 2001
Wow! I haven't thought about this game in years! This game was so cool! Anyway, I am off to play it again! Thanks!
pixel - <>
Zeist, the Netherlands - Wed Dec 27 16:35:17 2000
coming soon... multiplayer version of blockout over the net! making more progress every day... bits and pieces are finished and are for everyone to see on my website
nerius - <>
berkeley, ca usa - Sun Jul 16 23:13:01 2000
I can't find another game like this. Is simplely the best game ever made.
Jesús Famiglietti - <>
Los Teques, MIR Venezuela - Tue May 30 13:28:20 2000
I got Blockout the year it came out - 1989 and got hooked on it immediately. I then gave it to my boyfriend at the time and we spent endless hours locked in deadly duels of the blocks. Funny thing was, he could never beat me. I then lost my old computer but I did back up my game. Somehow, I never got around to playing it again for a long time. About 2 years ago I got the itch but I couldn't find my old backup disks. So I hit the web and found absolutely NOTHING! What a disappointment. Just a few days ago I decided to try again and hit on this page! Amazing thing is, my fingers still remember the moves! Too bad my brain is too slow to get the same scores I used to 10 years ago. Getting old is depressing. Thank you for putting up this page and bringing back my favourite game of all time!
Margaret - <>
Canada - Thu Feb 3 10:02:57 2000
I got this from a friend's Tetris web-page at and instantly became addicted. I've been playing for several months now, which I'm sure you're all laughing at since everyone here seems to be an old-timer... Anyhow, I broke 100,000 after about three weeks of constant playing and thought I was pretty hot stuff. Your high-score database disabused me of the notion - I've got a ways to go yet, it seems. This game is one hell of a fun addiction!
Gnomon - <>
Nepean, ON Canada - Sun Jan 2 18:10:22 2000
go to hell
jovehod - <>
washington, us usa - Tue Sep 28 01:00:30 1999
Cool! After almost two years we find our first shit-knocker. I'll leave this here as a reminder that we must always be wary - dipshits are everywhere! -fryman
I had my blockout files delete years ago and thought I will never find a copy of this game again. Thank you!
Palangu - <>
Brasília, DF Brasil - Fri Aug 13 12:50:59 1999
The guy with the firey fingers leaves, this.
FMAN - <>
BOZEMAN, MT USA - Tue Apr 20 21:25:23 1999
Thinking of informative ways to invent a new kinda thing and thanks guesse I got lucky here.
FMAN - <Amethystium@wol>
http://not me
Bozeman, MT USA - Tue Apr 20 21:22:33 1999
Hi all!! I've been a BLOCKOUT-fan 4 many years, but kinda lost the game in a computer switch...Found it back through your site...Thanks.When I have some really HIGH scores, I will put 'em up, ok? C U around !!
SCHOTEN, BELGIUM - Sat Apr 10 15:50:39 1999
My computer went down I was in shock What should I do without my favourite block? I rushed to the store bought some new gear I could play again with Blockout, so dear After a year my eyes went square now this game is the only thing I fear Waking up Start to play My social life just went astray
Alexis - <>
Stockholm, Sweden - Sat Dec 26 12:05:22 1998
I like BLOCK OUT very much! I specially like 3x3x18 extended.
Gao Qing - <>
Beijing, China - Fri Sep 25 03:36:03 1998
Don't check my homepage. It sucks. Blockout does not ! Playing for more than 10 years daily, I know !
Brinta - <>
Eindhoven, . Netherlands - Tue Jul 28 03:10:52 1998
Blockout is cool
Blockout is great
It ruins my life and makes me late.

Zmac - <>
Appleton, WI USA - Sat Jun 13 02:06:39 1998
I Can't find a good mac version of Blockout. Can someone point me in the right direction.
Superfly <>
Cocoa, FL USA - Wednesday, May 27, 1998 at 20:32:41 (PDT)
G'day everyone. I've been looking for a copy of blockout for quite a while. Searched the net a couple times with no results, then the other day Wham! 3 sites. I was pretty happy to see I am not the only one who shares the love affair. I first ran into the game in Australia in 1992. It sure gets around eh! Take care, and good gaming guys (and ladies of course.)
Dan Gollan <>
Victoria, BC Canada - Friday, April 10, 1998 at 15:25:42 (PDT)
Just wanted to share my never-ending enthusiasm about this wonderful game, and to say thanks for mentioning my Blockout site here. (People, don't forget to check out my site too :) Thanks again.
Igor Vukomanovic <>
Zagreb, Croatia - Friday, April 10, 1998 at 13:30:15 (PDT)
I am just another hopless addict looking for Blockout... HELP!!
Shaun <>
Lewiston, ID USA - Sunday, April 05, 1998 at 18:41:40 (PDT)
Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you. may I never be trapped in a computer lab at three in the morning without blockout again. --s
Sarah <>
Austin, TX USA - Monday, March 23, 1998 at 09:33:04 (PST)
Have had Blockout for years, but tried to use it yesterday and it wouldn't run!!! Searched the net for a replacement copy, lo and behold (as they say), found THIS wonderful website!!! Found out that my original version crapped out because I recently got a new computer that had a Matrox Millenium graphics card, which just makes the game stop dead in its tracks. Fryman's alternate version corrected the problem, and I'm a happy camper once again. Thanks, thanks, and more thanks!!!
George T. Adams <>
Satellite Beach, FL USA - Wednesday, March 11, 1998 at 11:13:11 (PST)
Hi Blockout-fans all over the world See our blockout-homepage
Munich, Germany - Monday, March 09, 1998 at 08:24:54 (PST)
I had this game in my old AT.. well, my hard disk exploded when playing with a screwdriver.. . i damn missed blockout. Today this morning, i i thought: maybe someone put this on internet. Metacrawler... the 3rd item. Why the hell i tried this one?
Inca Atahuallpa <>
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Sunday, March 01, 1998 at 09:31:58 (PST)
i just put block-out in infoseek and thought i get nothing...and yours was the first one... i had blockout on my has gameplay gameplay and more gameplay. and if u wanna learn the this !
amir <>
Limassol, Cyprus, do u know where that is? - Saturday, February 07, 1998 at 11:12:45 (PST)
Whoa, it works.
troy <>
Santa Rosa, CA USA - Friday, January 09, 1998 at 01:16:48 (PST)