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Guide to Sustainable Groundwater Resources


posted July 25, 2003

Maintaining sustainable groundwater resources is not only possible, it has been done before. Two important water experts have given us an excellent description of how to stop plundering groundwater and create a "renewable but finite resource." This goal is exactly what the O.W.L. Foundation strives toward.

Everyone in Sonoma County could benefit from reading "Developing, Managing, and Sustaining California's Groundwater Resources". This paper was written by T. N. Narasimhan, a famous hydrogeology professor at U.C. Berkeley, and Vicki Kretsinger, a respected hydrogeology consultant and published by the Groundwater Resources Association of California.




The paper contains these highlights:

1. An overview of groundwater science, including its nature, occurrence, movement,
and influence;

2. The human aspects of California’s water, including history, economics, education,
institutions, legal questions, and public perceptions;

3. The role of science in water management, including the meaning of the term
“sustainability” and the premises providing the basis for sustainable use of
groundwater resources; and

4. Recommended actions that bring together diverse aspects of California’s society,
including groundwater management units; coordination among hierarchical
institutions; monitoring programs; education, research, outreach and training
programs; development of new economic tools; and promotion of legislation and
policies that are aimed at groundwater sustainability.



This document is required reading


Download "Developing, Managing, and Sustaining California's Groundwater Resources"

The file is in Adobe's PDF. If you do not have a PDF reader, you can download one here:

The Groundwater Resources Association of California Web site

Donate to the O.W.L. Foundation. We are working toward groundwater sustainability for ALL of Sonoma County NOW.





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