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Who we are




It's All About: Open space, Water resource protection and Land use


We are concerned citizens from Sonoma County, Penngrove, Cotati, Rohnert Park, Healdsberg, Glen Ellen and elswhere in Sonoma County, who are worried about the discoveries of increasing water scarcity in the County and how it affects the issues of open space and land use. These issues are tightly integrated and cannot be considered in isolation.

Our reader-supported Web site has drawn donations from as far away as New York, Alaska, Arizona, New Mexico, Montana and other states a well as from other California Counties like Alameda, and Kern and Marin County. We have regular readers in Japan and in the U.K. Sonoma County is famous all over the world as a wonderland of natural treasures. We want to keep it that way and so does everyone supporting this site.

Sonoma County's groundwater reserves are vanishing and they don't have to vanish. We can create a sustainable supply of pure, clean groundwater. But we need to manage our groundwater supply and force development to balance with the supply we have.



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We are pro-growth and pro-economic development

Today, economic development, in the sense of growth, can be achieved through internal efficiency—mainly with computerization. Cities especially can benefit from computerized control systems to regulate power, water, roads and many other necessities and make them vastly more efficient.

Of course we can build too. But building should not be at the expense of groundwater reserves or the destruction of open space used in groundwater recharge. We now live in the Information Age; the age of plunder and exploitation is behind us.


de.vel.op vb [F developper, fr. OF desveloper, desvoluper to unwrap, expose, fr. des- de- +
envoloper to enclose--more at envelop] vt (1750).

The word "develop" in the sense of constructing something, originally implied clearing a forest of trees. Builders had to "unwrap" the forest, or "expose" the ground on which construction was to take place, i.e. remove the envelop of Nature. "Develop" continues to carry the connotation of de-enveloping something pristine and in that sense is related to other words with the prifix de-, like destruct, devitalize or deactivate



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