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Where do we want to get to? This is a question that has a lot of meaning for us at Old Adobe School. There is frequently a tendency to get a child through a certain goal-oriented skill or achievement level without considering his/her inner experiences, sensitivities, and unhurried developmental needs. At Old Adobe School, we strive to stimulate educational growth and learning through the activity of discovery rather than the act of covering prescribed material. Moreover, we feel that true excellence in education occurs when a child’s innate sense of joy, curiosity, and buoyancy is nurtured and cultivated. We feel that emphasis should switch from getting each child through school to creating life-long learners. Instead of of providing a direct, non-stop bus trip, it is important that we give children time to experience, enjoy, and truly absorb the bountiful sights along the way. This kind of knowledge has greater meaning, more staying power, and encourages new excursions. We believe that children nourished in this kind of supportive and exciting atmosphere will continue to seek their own vital and varied directions without having to consult a Cheshire Cat along the way.