Pelvic Pain Help
Pelvic Pain Help

Biography of the Authors

David Wise, Ph.D., is a psychologist who spent 6 years as Research Scholar department of Urology at Stanford University Medical Center in the development of a new treatment for prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndromes. His research interest is in behavioral medicine and autonomic self-regulation. He enjoys playing the mandolin, watercolor painting and carpentry.

Rodney Anderson, M.D., is a Professor of Urology at Stanford University School of Medicine, where he directs the Pelvic Pain Clinic. His specialty is neurourology and he has performed research on topics including prostatitis, chronic pelvic pain syndromes, incontinence, BPH and neurogenic bladder. His avocations include classical piano and painting.

  National Center for Pelvic Pain, Box 54, Occidental, California 95465
Telephone: 707 874 2225 • Fax: 707 874 2335