This is what happens when a scout forgets his uniform  

Troop 186 - Rules and Requirements

Last updated on 2000-11-03

Web Contents:

Current location: ShoughHome: Scouts: TroopRulesRequirements.html

General rule #3 enforced!

The following are the rules and requirements for participation as a member of BSA, Troop #186, Newark, California. These rules/requirements were set forth by the Troop Committee, the Patrol Leader’s Council, and the Scoutmaster.

General Rules:

  1. All Scouts and Scout leaders are expected to live by the Scout Law at ALL times.
  2. Show Scout Spirit through cooperation and through respect of others at all times.
  3. Wear the Class "A" uniform as described below (or an approved Patrol Uniform) to all troop meetings, and while traveling on outings and in restaurants while traveling.
  4. Keep current in the payment of dues as required by the Troop Committee.
  5. Absolutely no Fighting!
  6. The Scoutmaster will take responsibility for discipline in these matters. The Scoutmaster will take what action he/she deems necessary for each offense.

CLASS "A" UNIFORM (required at all meetings):


All Outings:

  1. Follow all "General Rules"
  2. Accept fair share of "Duties" as agreed to in the duty roster.
  3. Respect All equipment at All times.
  4. Accept fair share of responsibility for Troop or Patrol equipment used on an outing that you participate in.
  5. Clean and maintain any equipment assigned to you. Seek advice when unsure how to clean and care for equipment. Return the equipment within 8 days of the outing.

Snow/Winter Outing Requirements:

To be eligible to participate in Winter outdoor camping a Scout must attend Winter Awareness Training within the past two years. Or attend two sessions in his career.

Troop Leadership Requirements:

Senior Patrol Leader (Elected by Troop membership):

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (Selected by SPL):

Quartermaster (selected by SPL, ASPL, Scoutmaster):

First Class Rank or above.

Order of the Arrow Eligibility:

To become a Arrowman a Scout must be elected by the Troop in a formal election held at a Troop meeting and administered by the Order of the Arrow. To be eligible a Scout must have the following:

Venture Crew Requirements:

To be selected as part of the Venture Crew each scout must complete all of the requirements. To maintain his place on the Venture Crew each scout must continue to meet all of the requirements. Failure to meet all requirements will result in the removal of the Scout from the Venture Crew until the Scout meets the requirements and interviews with the Scoutmaster.

Last Updated on 2000-11-03
By Dean Shough