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September 12th, two thousand and one years after the birth of Jesus... The newest revolution in movie making began that very day in the backyard of one Kyle Lindauer in the sunny California community of Rincon Valley. The project was a mission of "epic" proportions in the name of fun and games. Sure, we may all be about the age of eighteen to twenty, the height of our sexual peak, but who cares if we should be out getting chicks and working? We'd rather sit around and make ZOMBIE MOVIES!!

The idea to create a zombie came last year, when Sam Daw and Kyle LIndauer began work on a script for a movie they entitled, "Zombies are People Too, Just a Little Deader." After a few strenuous months of work, the script idea was put on hold indefinitely. You see, we're not exactly ones to see through anything we ever do, so this attempt at a script was the just the latest in a series of abandoned ideas. A year later, the idea was brought back up into conversation, warmly, and the group of friends decided once again to embark on a mission to create the ultimate zombie film.

And this time they meant it.

So the planning stages were put into effect, the ideas were laid out on the table, and a general plotline began to formulate. Session after session of brainstorming flew by, and that is where our story now ends. With this website, you, the visitor, can see how we are progressing on our quest for horror film glory. We are just a bunch of kids doing this for fun - no big fancy pants special effects, or big name actors with big bulging muscles/boobies. We are doing this in the name of two things: rock ass zombie movies, and fun. Call it cheesy, call it childish, call it whatever you want. It's still gonna kick ass.