The Rule of Threes


GURPS Panescape




The General Baatezu Template

All Baatezu are based on the following General Baatezu template. Least Baatezu (Nupperibos and Spinagons) and Lemures lack..., so their template ("Reduced General Baatezu Template") only costs....

General Baatezu Template [539 points]

  • Planar [-2]

  • DR 6 (vs. Cold/Ice only, -40%) [18]
  • DR 20 (Fire; Common, -40%) [60]

  • Dark Vision [25]
  • Infravision [10]
  • High Pain Threshold [10]
  • Immunity to Poison (Common) [15]
  • Unaging [15]

  • Telecommunication (Telesend; Universal, +50%) [45]
  • Mind Reading (Universal, +50%; Telecommunication, -20%) [39]

  • Jumper (World; Extra Carrying Capacity (Medium), +20%; New Worlds, +50%; Warp Jump, +10%) [180]
  • Warp (Blind, +50%; Extra Carrying Capacity (Medium), +20%; Warp Jump, +10%) [180]

  • Magery/1 (limitation: innate only, -40% to lvl 1) [11 points]
  • Innate Spell: Perfect Illusion (IQ+Magery) [4]
  • Innate Spell: Suggestion (IQ+Magery) [4]

  • Bully [-10]
  • Code of Honor (Baatezu) [-10]
  • Enemy (Tanar'ri, utterly formidable, hunter, appears rarely (6-)) [-20]
  • Greed [-15]
  • Sadism [-15]
  • Selfish [-5]


  • The Baatezu Code of Honor is: work towards the destruction of the Tanar'ri, don't get caught disobeying your superiors, never break your sworn word, bring order to the multiverse under the thumb of the Baatezu race.

  • Don't worry too much about how expensive the template is. Indeed, not worrying overmuch about character points is a good general survival characteristic when creating races or superpowered beings in GURPS.

  • Gelgulons have DR 6 vs. Fire, and DR 20 vs. Cold/Ice. I am very irritated that GURPS/4e doesn't have Invulnerability, and instead requires you to max out DR, spending lots of points while wondering if you made the DR high enough.

  • Many Baatezu have a Vulnerability to holy water (consecrated by a priest of an appropriate Upper Planar power). Their natural DR does not protect against it. For this reason, I've priced the Vulernability at -10 points per level (in each individual template below). Really, it probably is a Rare substance for Baatezu, but PCs who know they will go up against Baatezu are likely to think of bringing some with them. (Rob, check this!)

  • There is no racial reputation because several of the racial disadvantages (Bully and Sadism in particular) already carry negative reaction modifiers. If an individual member of the species overcomes these disadvantages, he should still instead take a Reputation (with up to -4 in reaction penalties) to indicate that others will still think he shares all the odious Baatezu traits.



(Lesser Baatezu, PSMC 1)

Barbazu Template [787 points]

  • Baatezu [539]

  • ST 15 [50]
  • DX 13 [60]
  • IQ 8 [-40]
  • HT 14 [40]
  • HP +10 [20]

  • DR 5 (Tough Skin, -40%) [15]
  • DR 10 (vs. non-magical weapons, Very Common, -20%) [40]
  • Combat Reflexes [15]
  • Extra Attack [25]
  • Innate Attack (Beard; Impaling; Armor Divisor 2 +50%; Melee (C), -30%) [12]
  • Innate Attack/1 (Beard; Toxic; Follow-Up, +0%; Cyclic, 1 min, +40%; Resistable w/ HT-3, -15%) [5]
  • Terror (Melee Attack, -30%) [21]

  • Bad Temper [-10]
  • Berserk [-10]
  • Bloodlust [-10]
  • Monstrous Apeparance [-20]

  • Magery/1 (Innate, -40% to lvl 1) [11]
  • Innate Spell: Shape Fire at IQ+Magery+2 [12]
  • Innate Spell: Create Fire at IQ+Magery+2 [12]

Most Barbazu have very good melee skills. They often wear armor.



Least Baatezu

Lemure (PSMC1)
ST: 7
DX: 10
IQ: 5
HT: 12
HP: 10

Fat.: 12
Move/Dodge: 2/4
PD/DR: 1/2
Damage: 1d-3 cut
Reach: C
Size: 1 hex
Weight: 130 lbs
Origin: Baator
Habitat: Any
Nupperibo (PSMC1)
ST: 6
DX: 8
IQ: 2
HT: 10
HP: 6

Fat.: 10
Move/Dodge: 4/4
PD/DR: 1/1
Damage: 1d-4 cut
Reach: C
Size: 1 hex
Weight: 160 lbs
Origin: Baator
Habitat: Any

These guys have Regeneration (p. CI64), at the rate of 1HP per 5 seconds.



(Lesser Baatezu; PSMC1)

The basic Abishi template is as follows:
    Attributes: ST +2 [20], DX +2 [20]
    Advantages: Baatezu [251], PD 2 [50], DR +10 (vs. nonmagical and non-silver weapons) [20], Ambidexterity [10], Claws (Sharp) [25], Full Coordination [50], Nonrestrictive Magic Resistance/3 [15], Regeneration (1 HP/5 turns, limitation: not against holy water/weapons, -0%) [80], Striker (tail, thr+2/imp damage) [60], Venom/1 [15], Winged Flight [30], Summon Baatezu (2d lemures on 11-, or 1-3 abishai on 8-, 1/day) [40]
    Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous) [-25], Vulnerability (Holy Water) [-10]
    Racially Learned Skills: Flight at DX [2]
    Innate Spells: Create Fire (IQ+Magery+1) [6], Shape Fire (IQ+Magery+1) [6], Fear (IQ+Magery+1) [6], Illusion Disguise (IQ+Magery+1) [6]

There are actually three sorts of Abishai, which share the above template plus the following:

Black Abishai (689 points)
DR 4 [12]
Green Abishai (702 points)
DR 5 [15], Extra Hit Points/2 [10]
Red Abishai (740 points)
PD +1 [25], DR 6 [18], Extra Hit Points/4 [20]

Standard Red Abishai (744 points)

ST 12, DX 12, IQ 10, HT 10
HP 16, Fat 10, PD 3, DR 6, Move 5 / 10 (flying), Dodge 5
Advantages: Red Abishai [740]
Skills: Brawling/14 [4]

Damage: 1d-3 cutting from a punch (for the claws), 1d+1 impaling from the tail. The Full Coordination ability lets the Abishai attack with his tail in the same round as his claws, without penalty.



(Lesser Baatezu; PSMC1)

The basic Barbazu template costs 524 points and consists of:
    Attributes: ST +3 [30], DX +1 [10], IQ -2 [-20], HT +1 [10]
    Advantages: Baatezu [251], PD 3 [75], DR 5 [15], DR +10 (vs. nonmagical and non-silver weapons) [20], Disgusting Attack Beard [30], Combat Reflexes [15], Extra Hit Points/3 [15], Incrased Speed/2 [50], Nonrestrictive Magic Resistance/3 [15], Summon Baatezu (2d abishai on 10- or 1d barbazu on 9-, 1/day) [50]
    Disadvantages: Appearance (Monstrous) [-25], Bad Temper [-10], Berzerk [-15], Bloodlust [-10]
    Innate Spells: Create Fire (IQ+Magery+1) [6], Shape Fire (IQ+Magery+1) [6], Fear (IQ+Magery+1) [6]

The Disgusting Attack Beard is a close combat weapon which does thr/imp damage; generally it only works after a successful grapple. If any of the damage penetrates DR, then the victem must roll against HT to avoid contracting some sort of infection or disease.

Standard Barbazu (550 points)

ST 13, DX 11, IQ 8, HT 11
HP 16, Fat 11, PD 3, DR 5, Move 7, Dodge 7
Advantages: Barbazu [524]
Skills: Tactics/10 [8], Brawling/12 [2], Polearm/14 [16]



(Lesser Baatezu; PSMC1)

The basic Erinyes template costs 633 points and consists of:
    Attributes: IQ+2 [20], HT+2 [20]
    Advantages: Baatezu [251], Inherent Magery/3 [10 additional], PD 2 [50], DR 3 [15], Apperance (Beautiful) [15], Charm [100], Extra Fatigue/6 [18], Telepath/6 [30], Winged Flight [30], Summon Baatezu (1d+1 Spinagons on 10- or 1d-2 Barbazu on 9-, 1/day) [50]
    Racial Skills Flight at DX [2], Telesend at IQ [4], Telereceive at IQ [4].
    Innate Spells Panic (IQ+Magery-1) [2], See Invisible (IQ+Magery-1) [2], Invisibility (IQ+Magery-1) [2], Seeker (IQ+Magery-1) [2], Create Fire (IQ+Magery-1) [2], Great Shapeshifting (IQ+Magery-1) [4]

The PD and DR on the Erinyes is a magical protection rather than thick hide or any such.

The Charm ability doesn't exactly match any GURPS ability; the closest is the Charm spell. This ability is modified from the Charm spell as follows:

  • The duration is permanent until the subject dies, or until the Erinyes breaks the spell.
  • It works out to a range of 10 without penalty.
  • Resistance rolls are at -2.
  • The Erinyes may only have a single subject charmed at one time.

Given the relative rarity of Erinyes, and the special position they hold in Baatezu hierarchy despite being lesser Baatezu, most Erinyes should be more competent than the base racial template would indicate. This is more true with Erinyes than with most other lesser Baatezu. A substantial quantity of Erinyes are probably Umana mages. In this case, they are able to use either their Mana store or their fatigue to power their Knacks (but normally only their Mana store to power normal spells).

Note that to convert an Erinyes to a full mage, she should only pay 27 points to change Inherent Magery/3 into Magery/3. At that point, the standard Magery powers her innate spells.

Standard Erinyes (xxx points)

ST 10, DX 12 [20], IQ 12, HT 12
HP 10, Fat 18, PD 2, DR 3, Move 6, Dodge 6
Advantages: Erinyes [xxx], Charisma/2 [10]
Skills: Broadsword-12 [2], Whip-12 [2], Acting-14 [6], Carousing-13 [4], Fast-Talk-14 [6], Sex Appeal-19 [4] (includes +8 for Appearance)

This is a pretty basic, non-Mage version of an Erinyes. Most are going to be more individualized than this one.

Last modified 2012-11-22 by Omar.