mm.gif (1352 bytes)  Ye Olde Rams Motorcycle Club  mm.gif (1352 bytes)

Old Rams never die... they just find new things to play with.

Welcome to the Rams M/C campfire on the World Wide Web. Grab a lawn chair and a brew and come warm yourself. Since the club has been disbanded for many years this page is just a little effort to provide a spot for old members to get together and see what we are all up to. We also welcome any and all old desert racers to come and spin a tale or three.

Founded in the late 40's and continuing into the late 80's the Rams M/C was one of the top AMA District 37 desert, motocross, and dirt track racing clubs in the U.S.   Several #1 plate holders and many other top riders were members... Steve McQueen, Cliff Colemn, the Dempsey Brothers, Tom Poteet, Mark Adent, Tom and Cordis Brooks, Bud and Skip Welty. The list is long and distinguished. And in the new millennium some continue to excel in off-road races such as the Baja, vintage racing, and dual-sport events.

"Duct tape is like the Force: it has a dark side and a light side, and it holds the universe together."

Old Memories and Campfires (photos of the good ol days and anything else I can cram in here)

Collection 1
Collection 2
Rams From The Past  
Rams Get Together Jan 2000
Rams Get Together Chehalis WA 2003  
Modern Day Vintage Racing

Gone Trail Riding

Rams Air Force


Ye Olde Rams Crew
 Mark Adent  


 Tim "Buffalo Body" Bice


 Jack Binning

 Ken Buckspan


Cliff Coleman


 Loren Davis


 John Dryden

George Green

 Bill Elam


 Bob Haynes


 Terry Haug


 Don Kesler

 Bob Lee


 Gary Niederhuth


 John Preiss


 Tom Ruddy  


 Dave Rymal


 Steve Spragle

 Jeff "Mousemeat" Sweet

 Bob Terrazas


 Dan Wineinger


Ken Brougher

John Dryden  

Club Links (children of a lesser god)

4-Aces M/C
Hilltoppers M/C
Invaders M/C
Los Ancianos M/C
Rovers M/C
Viewfinders M/C
Vikings M/C

(Drop me e-mail to link your club here.)

Other Links of Note

AHRMA - American Historic Racing Motorcycle Assn.
AMA District 37 Sports Committee
District 37 Alumni
Super Hunky - Rick Seiman
Cycle News
Doug Fergus's Vintage Page
Motorcycle City
New Bill Of Rights
Reason Magazine
The Off-Road Network
The Banner Is Up
(Billy Deans D-37 history site)
Whip It
VIVA! Espana - MotoNet
Metro Racing - cool imprinted items of vintage motorcycles

Let's not forget those who have sacrificed so much for the rest of us. (You listenin Jane ya freakin traitor!)
Wheeli.gif (12562 bytes)

If you're a Rams club member and want to add a link to your own home page or if you want me to create one for you here on my server, have some pics you think I should put on here, or are from one of the other desert clubs and want a hot link to your club page, just email me :

Desert rats and other nefarious characters have blown through this campfire since our first counter blew up we started recounting on Aug 28, 2003.

This page originally created on a Macintosh and lately on Windows using FrontPage. Last update Oct 3, 2013
Copyright 1997, 2013 Loren Davis. All rights reserved.